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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ Y ] / You're thinking too much

You're thinking too much translate Portuguese

42 parallel translation
You're thinking too much.
Estás pensando demais.
You're thinking too much.
- Pensas demais, floreias.
You're thinking too much recently.
Vocês tem pensado muito ultimamente.
You're thinking too much, Crash.
Você está pensando demais.
- George, you're thinking too much.
- George, pensas demasiado. - Eu sei!
You're thinking about too much, putting too much emphasis on it.
Estás a pensar demasiado no assunto. Estás a dar-lhe demasiada importância.
You tell me. - You're thinking too much.
Tu pensas demais.
You're thinking too much.
Está a pensar demais.
You're thinking too much.
Estás a pensar demasiado.
You're thinking too much again.
Andas a pensar demasiado outra vez.
Believe me, as much as you're thinking about Yvette she's thinking about you too.
Mas acredite, você está pensando nela... e ela está pensando em você.
You're thinking about it too much.
Estás a pensar demasiado nisso.
- You're in your head. Thinking too much.
- Está a pensar demasiado.
- You're thinking too much.
- Pensas demasiado.
- You're thinking too much.
- Pensas demais. - Pois é.
You're thinking too much.
Está a pensar muito.
If you let yourself start thinking about it too much you'll allways been looking over your shoulder, behind you and I'm sure we're gonna get moments where you get bumped by things down there.
vamos estar sempre a olhar sobre ombro e tenho a certeza que vamos ter momentos em que vamos embater em coisas lá em baixo.
You're thinking too much.
Estão a pensar demais.
Maybe you're thinking a little too much with the upstairs brain. Huh?
Estás a pensar de mais com a cabeça.
it's not about thinking too much, if you're doing it right, the safety switch and all that... just load and shoot.
não é a pensar muito, se o estás a fazer bem, o gatilho de segurança e isso... apenas carrega e dispara.
"There's no way they can pin the blame on me for this fiasco " without doing their boy Daniels, too. " You're thinking we'd have to fire Daniels to fire you and that wouldn't sit well, given how much we've already sold Daniels.
E que não há forma de te culparmos deste fiasco, sem culpar também o Daniels, pensas que temos que o despedir para te despedir e isso não é bom porque já promovemos muito o Daniels.
- No, you're thinking about it too much.
- Não, tu pensas demasiado.
You're thinking too much.
Pensas demasiado.
Well, you can't set up a zip line from the 25th floor, if that's what you're thinking, because apparently that would be too much fun.
Bem, não se consegue colocar uma corda do 25º andar, se é o que estás a pensar, porque aparentemente isso iria ser muito divertido.
You're thinking too much.
Estás a pensar demais.
You're too much in your head. You're... You're thinking too much.
Está a pensar demasiado.
We hope you're encouraged to do your own thinking about money, a subject that has been ignored and misunderstood by the public for much too long to our great disadvantage.
Esperamos que tenha coragem de tirar as suas próprias conclusões sobre o dinheiro, um assunto que foi ignorado e incompreendido pelo público por tempo demais para nossa grande desvantagem.
Honey, you're thinking too much.
- Querida, estás a pensar demais.
- You're thinking too much.
Pensas demais.
You're thinking too much.
Estás a pensar de mais.
You're just thinking too much about the last family.
Só estás a pensar demais na família anterior.
Yeah, not too much that I can't drive, though... if that's what you're thinking,'cause I'm good.
Não o bastante para não conduzir, se é o que estás a pensar, porque eu estou bem.
You're thinking too much.
Está a pensar demasiado.
Maybe you're thinking about it too much.
Talvez estejas a pensar demais nisso.
And I hope you're not thinking about Jacob too much.
E espero que não estejas a pensar demasiado no Jacob.
Now I know you're probably thinking this is too much exposure, and that the risk of bringing in outsiders is too high, but we already have the perfect cover.
Sei que provavelmente pensas que é demasiada exposição, e que o risco de trazer pessoas de fora é muito alto, mas já temos o disfarce perfeito.
Well, you're thinking about it too much.
Bem, estás a pensar nisso demasiado.
You're thinking too much, Detective.
Pensa demasiado, detetive.
No, you're doped up on painkillers and you're thinking too much.
Não, estás cheio de analgésicos e a pensar demasiado.

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