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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ Y ] / You've got it all wrong

You've got it all wrong translate Portuguese

108 parallel translation
- Alec, you've got it all wrong.
- Não é nada disso. Estou apaixonado por ela.
You've got it all wrong.
Percebeu tudo mal.
You've got it all wrong, Lopez.
Entendeste tudo mal, Lopez.
You've got it all wrong.
está errado.
No, you've got it all wrong. I want you to leave your husband and this awful house.
Quero que deixes o teu marido e esta casa horrível.
- You've got it all wrong!
- Entenderam tudo mal!
I'm sure you've got it all wrong.
Tenho a certeza que compreendeste mal.
- You've got it all wrong. Ballinger.
Entendeu tudo mal, Ballinger.
No. You've got it all wrong.
Não, percebeu tudo mal.
But you've got it all wrong!
Mas percebeu tudo mal!
Look, you've got it all wrong!
Ouçam, confundiram tudo!
Credible to the people, to the press and above all, to the judges because if they think you've been coerced, we've got it all wrong.
E se nos enganamos, acaba mal. Antes de tudo, tem de destruir todas as mentiras á volta de Cirinná.
You've got it all wrong, shithead.
Estás muito enganado, seu merdas.
No, Peter, you ´ ve got it all wrong!
- Peter, estás a cometer um erro.
You've got it all wrong.
Compreendeu isto mal.
No, no, Guinan, see, you've got it all wrong.
Não, não, está se equivocando.
No, you've got it all wrong.
Não! Está enganado!
You've got it all wrong.
Está enganado.
- Giraud, you've got it all wrong...
- Giraud, você está enganado...
You've got it all wrong.
Não vai...
Oh, oh you've got it all wrong my little friend.
Oh, oh, percebeste tudo mal meu amiguinho.
- You've got it all wrong.
Não, percebeu mal.
Wait, that's not why you're talking to me, is it? No, no, no. You've got it all wrong.
Só acho preocupante que a minha tia saia por aí dizendo ás pessoas que é hora de morrer.
You've got it all wrong, Jake.
Tu entendeste tudo mal, Jake.
You've got it all wrong.
Tu entendeste tudo mal.
You've got it all wrong!
Tens tudo erradamente!
You've got it all wrong.
Não entendeste.
And by the way, you've got it all wrong.
E já agora, percebeu tudo mal.
If you've got it wrong you'll blow us all to hell
Se os colocaste mal, manda todos para o inferno!
You've got it all wrong.
Você entendeu tudo errado.
- You got it all wrong! - I've been writing songs about you kid!
- Vão escrever músicas sobre ti, miúdo.
You've got it all wrong here.
Estás totalmente enganado.
- You've got it all wrong.
- Percebeste mal.
Clark, you've got it all wrong!
Clark, interpretaste mal!
You've got it all wrong.
O que se passa entre ti e o engatatão? Estás a perceber mal.
Não, não estás a compreender, maninho...
You've got it all wrong, Mrs Oliver, that's why I came up to see you.
Percebeu mal, Sra. Oliver, foi por isso que vim vê-la.
( Burt ) No. You've got it all wrong.
Não, perceberam tudo mal.
No, you've got it all wrong.
Não, entenderam mal.
You've got it all wrong.
Estás enganada completamente.
You've got it all wrong.
Estás enganada.
Guys, you've got it all wrong.
Pessoal, vocês entenderam tudo mal.
Oh, no, you've got it all wrong.
- Não, percebeu mal.
But dude you've got it all wrong.
Mas olha, não estás a fazer isto bem.
You've got it all wrong.
A Emily não estava a ter um caso.
Honey, you've got it all wrong.
Querida, estás a fazer tudo errado.
You've got it all wrong.
Percebeste tudo ao contrário.
You've all got it very wrong.
Vocês entenderam tudo errado.
You've got it all wrong!
Estás enganado.
Listen, you've got it all wrong.
Ouve, isso está tudo errado.
I mean, all you've done all day is take pleasure In how the other one got it wrong, how they screwed it up.
Durante o dia não fizeram mais do que vangloriar-se com os erros e as asneiras um do outro.

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