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Translate.vc / English → Portuguese / [ Y ] / You were right about that

You were right about that translate Portuguese

181 parallel translation
You were right about that fellow.
Tem razão. O homem não era esperto.
You were right about that...
- Você tinha razão.
You were right about that fellow.
Tinha razão sobre aquele sujeito.
Well, you were right about that.
Bem, tinha razão nisso.
Say, Brax, you were right about that horse.
Sabe, Brax, tinha razão sobre aquele cavalo.
Could be you were right about that law, Joey.
Pode ser que esteja certo sobre esta lei, Joey. De que é que você a chama?
Olhe, tinha razão em relação à modelo.
You were right about that condensed milk.
Tinhas razão, quanto ao leite condensado.
Well, you were right about that, sir.
Tinha toda a razão, senhor.
By the way, you were right about that chess move. I was dead in two.
Aliás, estava certo sobre a jogada de xadrez.
You were right about that other thing, too Nothing should be left unsaid
Não podemos deixar nada por dizer.
And you were right about that guy.
E tinhas razão quanto àquele rapaz.
You know, you were right about that timer being off on number three tank.
Tu estavas certo sobre esse temporizador estar fora do tanque número três.
You were right about that. You were just wrong when you thought I was a good man once.
Nisso acertaste, mas nunca fui um homem bom...
- You were right about that real cream.
- As natas eram mesmo boas.
I think you were right about that.
Penso que estavas certa quanto a isso.
She's the contact for the investigator, Brill. You were right about that.
Ela é o contacto do detective, o Brill.
You were right about that computer scam.
Tinhas razão acerca do esquema do computador.
although you were right about that prune smoothie.
Mas tinhas razão acerca do doce de ameixas.
- You were right about that ring, too.
- Você tinha razão sobre o anel.
I've been thinking maybe you were right about that.
Tenho estado a pensar. Talvez tivesses razão sobre isso.
I've been thinking, maybe you were right about that.
Tenho estado a pensar. Talvez tivesses razão sobre isso.
You were right about that bridge.
Tens razão quanto à ponte.
You were right about that guy they had locked up in Australia.
Você estava certo sobre o cara que prenderam na Austrália.
I figured if you were right about that, you were probably right about everything else as well.
Calculei que se estavas certa em relação a isto, então, também deves estar certa em relação a tudo o resto.
You were right about that girl.
Tinhas razão em relação à rapariga.
You were right about that other thing.
- Estava certo quanto àquilo.
You were right about that medicine.
Curou o rapaz num instânte.
You were absolutely right when you warned me that I was getting too liberal with her about boys.
Tinha razão ao dizer que eu estava a ser demasiado liberal em relação aos rapazes.
"Muths?" Is that right, Maria, that you were complaining about "muths"?
Foi? Queixava-se de trêças?
You sure were right about that waterbed!
Tinhas razão acerca daquele colchão de agua!
You were right, about finishing school. That's what I'd like to do.
Tu tinhas razão, no que toca a escola.
If I hadn't told the guard that you were with us, you'd be riding a unicycle and clapping for fish right about now.
I think that maybe you were right about Dr. Wells.
Acho que talvez tivesses razão sobre o Dr. Wells.
That's the one thing you were right about.
É a única coisa onde tens razão.
Figured you were, uh, a 34, is that about right?
Achei que era um 34. É isso?
I wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about what you said about Daryl yesterday and I realized that you were right.
Queria dizer-te que estive a pensar no que me disseste sobre o Darly ontem, e acho que tens razão.
That's right, Ned. Those floozies we married in Vegas were crazy about you.
As tipas com quem casámos em Vegas eram doidas por si.
That guy you were talking about- - his name's Marvin, right? Yeah.
O tipo de quem estavas a falar chama-se Marvin, não é?
It's funny to feel that way about your mother... but I did it... and I owe it to you to tell you that you were right.
É estranho sentir-se dessa maneira sobre sua mãe.... Mas eu a perdoei... E tinha que lhe dizer a si que você estava certo.
Our nanobots were working overtime on that fight, but you were right about Tina.
Os nosso nano-robôs trabalharam bem nessa luta, mas tinhas razão quanto à Tina.
You were right about that.
Você estava certa...
You were right about that.
Tem razão.
I hope you and Tucker were right about that intermix.
Espero que tu e o Tucker tenham razão quanto à mistura interna.
All right, look, just try to remember how you felt when you were in love.. and think about that when you're playing the scene.
Tenta lembrar-te o que sentiste quando estiveste apaixonado e pensa nisso quando estiveres a fazer a cena.
I still can't believe that you were so right... about me not taking that plane.
Ainda não acredito que tinhas razão em que eu não viajasse.
That stuff you were saying today, about you and me, you know, about your wife, that was just crazy, right?
sobre a tua mulher... é uma loucura não é?
That you were right about them and I was wrong?
Que tinha razão quanto a eles e que eu estava errado?
I was so right about you. I mean, from before, when I told you that you were egomaniac.
Eu tinha razão quando disse que és um egocêntrico.
Sorry about that but you were right.
Desculpe, mas tinha razão.
That's right - You were just about to tell me who the hell you are.
É isso... estava prestes a dizer-me quem diabos é!

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