Didn't matter translate Russian
827 parallel translation
I didn't even know it was here. Well, I've learned in all my travels all the cities, no matter what size has a hidden gem.
Путешествия научили меня тому, что во всех городах, больших и маленьких можно найти сокровище.
They didn't understand. But it doesn't matter.
- Они не захотели меня понять.
As a matter of fact, she didn't even insinuate.
... ведь она намекала, вообще говоря, даже и не намекала,..
What's the matter? Wha'd I say? I didn't say nothin'.
Это легко сделать, когда у тебя есть деньги.
I didn't do it. - What's the matter with you?
Что это с тобой?
I didn't mean to make you cry. What's the matter with you?
Я не хотел тебя расстроить.
What's the matter, didn't you ever see a clerk before?
- Вы что, впервые видите клерка?
What's the matter, didn't they feed you at the party?
В чем дело, неужели они не накормили тебя за ужином?
Didn't matter which.
Неважно, кто.
As it turned out, it didn't matter.
Как оказалось, это было неважно.
What's the matter? Didn't you hear me?
Ты меня слышишь?
- It doesn't matter. I didn't get it.
- Teпepь ужe нe вaжнo.
As a matter of fact, I didn't.
На самом деле, не я.
I didn't invite you here and I didn't want to discuss the matter with you.
Я не звал вас сюда и не хотел обсуждать это с вами.
It didn't matter what.
Не важно что.
I thought I was alone, and it didn't matter much.
Я думал, что один, и... Это было неважно,
My husband always said if it was a worthwhile fight, didn't matter who won.
Мой муж говорил, если борьба стоящая, то неважно кто победил.
The lady who had it last, one of our permanent residents, was Totally deaf. So in her case it didn't really matter.
- Леди, которая снимала её постоянно была полностью глухой.
It doesn't make a difference. No matter how much she didn't have, my mother wouldn't disinherit me.
Какой бы бедной ни была моя мама, она бы так не сделала.
Matter of fact, she didn't seem that much interested in the theater.
Дело в том, что она не выглядит заинтересованной театром
No matter how bad things look, I didn't do it!
Как бы плохо все не выглядело, я этого не делал.
I wanted to betray him with anyone, it didn't matter.
Я тоже хотела изменить ему... с первым встречным, с кем попало.
They didn't think we'd fight, no matter what they did.
Они думали, что мы не станем сражаться, что бы они ни делали.
The other thing didn ´ t matter.
Ничто другое меня не волновало.
Mr. Knight, I know everything about the matter. Some wanderer got involved in a matter that didn't concern him. He allowed an accomplice, Giselle of Angouleme, to get away.
Кто-то вмешался и помог ускользнуть опасной заговорщице мадемуазель д'Ангулем, совершил государственное преступление, и его следовало бы казнить.
I said it didn't matter.
Я ответил, что это не важно.
It didn't matter who I killed.
Все равно, кого убивать.
It didn't matter.
Не важно.
What's the matter? Why didn't he stop?
Почему не останавливаемся?
It don't matter I didn't do it.
Но это неважно.
As a matter of fact, she didn't leave.
На самом деле, она уехала не по своему желанию.
As a matter of fact, captain, I didn't crash here.
На самом деле, капитан, я не потерпел крушение.
It didn't matter to me, because I stayed in the Legion.
Но это не имело никакого значения, потому что я остался в иностранном легионе и продолжал сражаться.
He was loaded, but it didn't matter much.
Был. Но это не важно.
- You didn't see the X-rays. - Tell me what's the matter.
- Скажи, что там
It didn't matter anyway since their own mother herself could hardly tell who was Brown and who was Chestnut.
Это не имело значения, поскольку их родная мать вряд ли бы сказала, кто из них Браун, а кто Каштан.
I don't mean he hadn't any faults or anything ; but with him they just didn't matter.
Я не хочу сказать, что он был лишен недостатков и так далее, но это как раз и было для него...
But it didn't seem to matter then. It couldn't hurt Martin any more.
Но... это уже не могло иметь значения и Мартину причинить никакого вреда.
But it didn't really matter.
Но это - не важно!
He knew the effectiveness of his plays would suffer. Didn't matter what anyone said.
Он знал, что это будет стоить ему действенности пьес.
Forgive me, but didn't I understand that you have a matter of urgent personal business?
Простите, но вы сказали, что у вас какое-то срочное личное дело?
He didn't say that. Then what's the matter with me?
Ну тогда что со мной?
What's a matter, you didn't eat anything today?
Что с тобой, ты что, не ел ничего?
As the solar system condensed out of interstellar gas and dust Jupiter acquired most of the matter not ejected into interstellar space and which didn't fall inwards to form the sun.
Когда Солнечная система конденсировалась из межзвездного газа и пыли, Юпитер захватил львиную долю вещества, которое не было выброшено в межзвездное пространство и не упало в центр, где формировалось Солнце.
It didn't matter, or so I thought.
Насколько я понимаю, тебе это было неинтересно.
If you ask me, poor old Kassia didn't have much say in the matter.
Если вы спросите меня, бедная Кассия ничего не говорила по этому поводу.
I didn't know I had any choice in the matter.
Я даже не знал что у меня был когда-то выбор.
But that didn't matter, she just didn't know it yet.
Но это не имеет значения, она пока не знает
If it didn't matter to you, you could tell me.
Если тебе все равно, тогда ты можешь рассказать мне.
My daddy was there too but it didn't matter nothing to her.
Мой папа присутствовал при этом но ей было всё равно.
As a matter of fact I didn't understand a single word.
Францией и Британией. - Я вообще не поняла ни единого слова.
matter 86
matter of fact 310
didn't 148
didn't you get the memo 17
didn't you understand 22
didn't see that coming 50
didn't you know 173
didn't see you 18
didn't they 429
didn't happen 30
matter of fact 310
didn't 148
didn't you get the memo 17
didn't you understand 22
didn't see that coming 50
didn't you know 173
didn't see you 18
didn't they 429
didn't happen 30
didn't you like it 19
didn't have to 49
didn't you 4544
didn't you see 28
didn't know that 32
didn't he 1321
didn't see it 17
didn't you hear me 138
didn't she 619
didn't see you there 38
didn't have to 49
didn't you 4544
didn't you see 28
didn't know that 32
didn't he 1321
didn't see it 17
didn't you hear me 138
didn't she 619
didn't see you there 38