That doesn't make sense translate Russian
1,080 parallel translation
That doesn't make sense to me.
Я не вижу в этом смысла.
Doesn't that make sense?
Какая разница?
doesn't it make more sense that some of them are order to lie?
Скорее уж, кое-кого из них заставили солгать.
- That doesn't make any sense.
Собачья чушь.
That doesn't make sense.
Это не имеет смысла.
So I don't swing with the Christian thing because of this 65 million year gap that doesn't make sense.
Но я не собираюсь это смешивать с Христианством Потому что, из-за временного интервала в 65 миллионов лет, это вообще не имеет никогда смысла
That doesn't make sense.
Это не правильно.
That doesn't make any sense.
Бессмыслица какая-то.
That doesn't make sense.
Ерунда какая-то.
Doesn't make sense, winning on that slot machine.
Это невозможно - выиграть на той машине.
- That doesn't make sense.
- Одри, это просто глупо.
Well, I'm not exactly certain that it attracts bees, but I mean, it does make sense, doesn't it?
Я тоже не совсем уверен, что он привлекает пчёл но предположение вполне разумное.
But that doesn't make any sense.
Но это бессмысленно.
No, but that doesn't make any sense either.
Нет, это все еще бессмыслица.
That doesn't make sense.
- Нет. Это бессмыслено. Нет.
Clark, that doesn't make any sense.
Кларк, это бессмыслица.
That doesn't make any sense.
Это не имеет никакого смысла.
That doesn't make any sense.
Это бессмыслица какая-то.
That doesn't make sense.
В этом нет никакого смысла.
That doesn't make sense. Stryker would need the professor to operate it.
Но для управления системой ему не обойтись без профессора.
- That doesn't make sense.
- Ерунда какая-то.
That doesn't make sense.
- Да это же просто глупо!
That doesn't make sense.
В этом нет смысла.
- That doesn't make any sense.
- Бред какой-то.
- I admit that. - This doesn't make sense.
Ничего не понимаю.
That doesn't make sense.
Какая-то несуразица.
Shaw saving us, right but that doesn't make sense, because that should've been you.
Шоу нас спас, ну да Но в этом нет смысла, потому что это должны были быть Вы.
That doesn't make sense to me.
For faith... you need to truly believe in something... that doesn't make any logical sense.
Для веры... ты должен искренне верить во что-то... что не имеет логического смысла.
Some actors are like that "This doesn't make sense".
У нас некоторые актеры тоже такие - Мол, эти реплики плохо сочетаются, не буду так играть!
But that doesn't make any sense.
Но это не имеет никакого смысла.
- Oh, that doesn't make a lick of sense.
- О, это не имеет смысла.
That doesn't make any sense.
Надо же, как глупо вышло.
That doesn't make sense.
Чушь какая-то.
That doesn't make sense.
That doesn't make sense.
That doesn't make any sense.
Это бессмысленно.
It doesn't really make a lot of sense, but we thought it was funny that Wallace tried to rehabilitate the rabbits, and just by having their minds merge together it caused this kind of short circuit of DNA or something technical.
В этом совсем мало смьıсла, но мьı решили, что смешно, что Уоллес пьıтался реабилитировать кроликов, и просто из-за смешения воедино их умов произошло какое-то короткое замьıкание ДНК или нечто техническое.
That doesn't make any sense, this is fresh water.
Не может быть. Здесь же пресная вода.
That doesn't make sense.
Глупость какая-то.
That doesn't make sense.
Это ерунда!
That doesn't make any sense!
Но это же нонсенс!
That doesn't make any sense.
Бред какой-то.
No, that doesn't make any sense.
Нет, постойте. Это какая-то ерунда.
That doesn't make any sense.
В этом нет никакого смысла.
Look, I've been thinking for a while now that there was something wrong on the day of the funeral, and I've remembered what it was but it doesn't make any sense.
Я думала о том, что было не так в день похорон. И вспомнила, что именно. Но это не понятно.
That doesn't make any sense.
Это совершенно нелогично.
It's the sound of metal, that doesn't make any sense to me.
Это звуки металла, я в них не разбираюсь.
Wait, that doesn't make sense.
Подождите. Это не логично.
- That doesn't make any sense.
- Это бессмыслица какая-то.
- That doesn't make sense.
- Чушь какая-то.
That doesn't make sense.
Это не имеет значения
that doesn't seem fair 27
that doesn't make any sense 402
that doesn't exist 18
that doesn't matter 341
that doesn't sound like you 29
that doesn't sound right 46
that doesn't bother you 34
that doesn't sound good 109
that doesn't make it right 29
that doesn't even make sense 56
that doesn't make any sense 402
that doesn't exist 18
that doesn't matter 341
that doesn't sound like you 29
that doesn't sound right 46
that doesn't bother you 34
that doesn't sound good 109
that doesn't make it right 29
that doesn't even make sense 56