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Translate.vc / English → Russian / [ W ] / What were you doing in there

What were you doing in there translate Russian

117 parallel translation
What were you doing in there?
- Что ты там делала?
- What were you doing in there?
- Что ты там делал?
- What were you doing in there?
- Что вы там делали?
What were you doing in there?
Что ты там делал?
- What were you doing in there?
- Кто вы, черт возьми, такой?
- What were you doing in there?
- Ты что там делала?
- What were you doing in there?
- О! - Что ты делал там?
What were you doing in there?
Что ты здесь делал?
- What were you doing in there?
- ти ейамес ейеи леса ;
What were you doing in there, huh?
Что ты тут делал, а?
You rascals, what were you doing in there?
Скучаете? О чем разговор?
What were you doing in there?
Что вы делали?
- What were you doing in there?
Что ты здесь делаешь?
What were you doing in there?
А что ты там делала?
"What were you doing in there?"
"Ты чего там делал?"
What were you doing in there?
— Нет, это почему ты там была?
Well, what were you doing in there?
А что вы тогда там делали?
- What were you doing in there?
Ты что там делал?
What were you doing in there, checking for dust?
Чем ты там занимался? Изучал пыль?
What were you doing in there?
Что ты там вытворял?
- What were you doing in there anyway?
Так что ты здесь делаешь?
What were you doing in there? Owens was an old friend of my family.
Оуэнс был старым другом моей семьи.
What were you doing in there?
Что ты делал внутри?
You know, all the while I was with my friend I was just wondering what you were doing in there.
Знаешь, пока я общался с другом я все время думал чем же занимаешься ты.
What the hell were you doing there in that flat?
Какого черта вы делали там в этой квартире?
What the hell were you doing there in the first place?
Что вы еще там натворили? ! ...
So, what exactly were you guys doing in there?
Итак, ребята. Что вы делали на объекте?
What were you doing there in the first place?
Что вы там делали?
What were you two doing in there?
Что вы там двое делали? Ничего.
He said, "I thought there was no girl." And what you were doing in the room with her, which is an excellent question.
- Он только что звонил. Что он сказал? Он сказал "Я думал, девушки нет", и что ты... в этой комнате здесь, что интересно.
What in God's name were you doing there?
- Что ты там забыла?
What exactly were you doing in there?
Что именно вы там делали?
What the hell were you doing in there?
А ты какого чёрта там делаешь?
What the fuck were you doing there in training centre now that you are waiting for an ill and unmotivated retired old man to finish off your job, damn it? !
Какой тогда от вас толк, если вы полагаетесь на больного пенсионера, который вынужден выполнить за вас вашу чёртову работу, идиоты!
What the hell were you doing in there?
! А ты какого чёрта там делаешь?
Can you tell me what were you doing in there?
Что ты там делал?
What were you doing there in the first place?
Что ты там делал, скажи мне?
Wanna tell me what you were doing in there?
Может расскажите, что вы там делали?
JD, what the hell were you doing in there?
JD, Что за чертовщину ты там устроил?
What were you guys doing in there?
Чем вы тут занимались?
What in the world were you doing out there?
Ради всего святого, что ты там делал?
And what were you little kids doing in there?
А что это вы там делали, детки?
And what were you doing... before you realized the gunmen were in there?
И чем вы занимались... перед тем как осознали, что в здании появились вооруженные люди?
" What were you even doing there in the first place, Bush?
Да и что ты там ваще забыл, Буш?
I'm just wondering, what you were doing in there?
Я была удивлена, что ты там делал?
AVA : What were you guys doing there in the first place?
Во-первых, ребята, что вы здесь делаете?
Uh, you're forgetting the bigger question, Char... What were we doing there in the first place?
Есть вещи поважнее, Шарм... почему мы жили у неё?
Well, it sure looked like you knew what you were doing in there.
Сейчас не было похоже, Что вы не знаете, что делаете.
ls there any point in asking what you were doing with him at Trouville?
Есть ли смысл спрашивать, что вы с ним делали в Трувилле?
What the hell were you doing in there?
Какого чёрта ты там делала?
Which is exactly what you were doing in there.
А именно это вы там и делали.

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