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Ygn's translate Russian

7 parallel translation
YGN's reporter, Choi Dal Po speaking.
Репортёр YGN Чхве Даль По...
- Let's hurry before YGN gets there.
пока YGN не добрались.
YGN's agreed to share the box with us so that we can use the video footage, too!
- Да. YGN согласились с нами поделиться. У нас будет видео!
Manager Sung's daughter likes YGN's Ki Ha Myung?
Дочь менеджера Сон любит Ки Ха Мёна из YGN?
- He's with YGN?
Этот парень с YGN?
After YGN's initial report, the prosecution office is now in full investigative mode.
После первого же репортажа YGN прокуратура вплотную занялась этим делом.
Chairman Park Ro Sa, of Bum Jo Department Stores who wasn't able to comply with the police due to an important foreign business trip has been confirmed as still in Korea as a result of YGN's diligent research.
находится в Корее.

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