You don't know them translate Russian
967 parallel translation
Don't you know after seeing the Gulf War? The US Navy marines who competed against them, were all defeated by them.
Ты не слышал про войну в Персидском заливе? понесли поражение.
You don't know? And you let them in?
Ты их не знаешь?
Unfortunately, I don't have them on me. I couldn't know I would meet you here.
Я же не мог знать, что встречу тебя тут.
You don't know them.
Вы их не знаете.
I don't know about them, but you've convinced me.
Не знаю про них, но меня ты убедил.
- I don't blame them, you know.
- Знаешь, я их не виню.
You don't know them and you don't hate them.
Тебе не за что их ненавидеть.
And those who don't know that... you love them too?
А тех, кто не знает этого, ты тоже любишь?
I don't know much about police inspectors, but I never imagined them like you.
Не так уж много я знаю о полицейских инспекторах но никогда не представляла их такими, как вы.
They'll ask you a lot of questions, but they don't know a thing. So don't let them scare you.
Они зададут много вопросов, но им неизвестно ничего, поэтому не пугайся.
You heard right. If you know, why don't you help them?
Почему бы тебе, самому не помочь им?
You know them? - No, I don't know these guys.
Нет, этих парней я не знаю.
Well, don't you know about them?
Вы же знаете...
- How were you going to pay for them? - I don't know
Кстати, как вы намеревались расплатиться?
And anyway, I don't know them. Do you know me?
А меня ты знаешь
Don't you know about them?
Не знаешь, какие яйца у перепелки?
I'm leaving you all, but don't let them know, or they'll call it off again and all will be lost.
Я ухожу. Но всё-таки я доволен. Я доволен.
Don't you know there's a death sentence on them?
Разве ты не знаешь, что им вынесен смертный приговор?
If you don't know them, I'll introduce you.
Если ты их не знаешь, познакомлю.
But you don't know them, you don't affect them, you don't see them.
Но вы не знаете их, вы на них не влияете, вы их не видите.
Well, there you go, but Master Mateo said that if you don't give them to me you will have to do with him, and you know how he gets.
Это ваш выбор. но Мастер-Матео сказал, что если вы не отдадите их мне, вам придется отвечать перед ним а вы знаете, как он может проучить.
I played them along their own game, of course for quite a time, but they don't like you, you know.
Конечно, я подыграл им немного, но ты им не нравишься, знаешь ли.
And now I know, don't you see, it's not me, it's not my size, it's them.
Теперь я знаю, и вы это видите... Это не я или мой рост. Это они.
I don't know why the hell I didn't let them kill you.
- Не знаю, какого черта я не дал им убить тебя.
- I don't know. Did you kill them so you could have the ship to yourself?
Вы убили их, чтобы корабль был всецело вашим?
I've written out some instructions here, I don't know whether you can follow them, can you?
Я написал некоторые инструкции, не знаю сможешь ли ты следовать им?
You don't know them.
- А жандармы?
You're going to have to jump. I don't know how to make them stop.
Придётся выскочить, я не знаю, как это останавливается.
I know what they cut off, but at least they don't make tobacco pouches out of them uhah... that's something else you soldier boy's made up...
Я знаю, что они отрезают. Но, по крайней мере,... они не набивают их табаком. А вот вы, солдаты, делаете именно это.
the one they picked ; the one you'll know by. Don't you ever ask them why :
overmind-перевод HJdsaksjdklklnjkhbdsfsl @
I know you got moves, but you don't have to show them to me now.
Я знаю, ты отлично движешься, но не стоит мне это сейчас демонстрировать.
You know how I love them, don't you?
Ты же знаешь, как я их люблю.
Sorry, I didn't know you don't like them
О, извини, не знал, что ты их не любишь.
They're always screaming overhead, going somewhere, when you don't need them, you know?
Они всегда ревут над головами, мчатся куда-то... а когда нужно - их нет.
- I know you are, but don't talk to them. - I told them everything. I told them how you were in the war in Vietnam.
Я им всё рассказала... про то, что ты воевал во Вьетнаме, что всегда был при хорошей работе.
I don't know much about them, but I can take you to other places.
Я в них не разбираюсь, но я могу сводить тебя и в другие места.
You live with someone for years, then realize you don't know them.
Ты живешь с кем-то много лет, потом понимаешь, что ты его не знаешь.
You can live with someone for years, Then realize you don't know them.
Ты можешь жить с кем-то много лет, потом понимаешь, что ты его не знаешь.
You can live with someone for years, then realize you don't know them.
Ты можешь жить с кем-то много лет, потом понимаешь, что не знаешь его.
But you don't know how to use them.
Но вы не знаете, как его использовать.
- You don't know your own father? We have to tell them apart them somehow.
"You're one of those that could know how to use them, " but I don't know. "
"Ты из тех, кому удалось научиться им пользоваться, но я не умею."
- No. Why don't you just unobtrusively see if you can find out who they are, how they got here, who invited them, and come back and let me know, will ya?
Не мог бы ты ненавязчиво... выяснить, кто они такие, как сюда попали... кто их пригласил, и потом дай мне знать.
I don't know about you but I'm going to stop them.
Я не знаю как вы, но я собираюсь остановить их.
You know, I don't particularly like the Swampies, but I can't say I really hate them.
Знаете, Болотники не особо мне нравятся, но я не могу сказать, что ненавижу их.
Well, I think it's time we got to know them, don't you, Romana?
Ну что же, думаю, что нам пора их узнать, верно, Романа?
If you happen to know any women why don't you send them on over.
Если тебе подвезло познакомиться с девчонками почему бы ими не поделиться.
But if you don't know them...
Если они вас не знает, какое вам дело?
I don't know how you going to handle them all.
Не знаю, как со всеми управиться.
You don't know them.
Ты не знаешь этих людей.
I don't know what happened, but shots were fired. Didn't you hear them?
Не знаю, чтo там пpoизoшлo, нo ктo-тo стpелял.
you don't want to talk to me 24
you don't 4631
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't have to worry 197
you don't understand me 29
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't know anything 267
you don't 4631
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't have to worry 197
you don't understand me 29
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't know anything 267
you don't believe me 569
you don't mean that 235
you don't want to 180
you don't know what love is 17
you don't trust me 261
you don't have to be sorry 41
you don't say 567
you don't want to do that 169
you don't have to worry about it 35
you don't know anything about me 176
you don't mean that 235
you don't want to 180
you don't know what love is 17
you don't trust me 261
you don't have to be sorry 41
you don't say 567
you don't want to do that 169
you don't have to worry about it 35
you don't know anything about me 176