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Translate.vc / English → Turkish / [ C ] / Cocò

Cocò translate Turkish

10 parallel translation
Cocò's gonna help you, she's not on vacation...
Coco sana yardım eder, tatilde değil...
- Coco!
And you, Cocò... you want it?
Sen, Coco... ister misin bunu?
When we lived together it was different, right, Cocò?
Birlikte yaşarken bundan farklıydık, değil mi, Coco?
What about you, Cocò?
Ya sen, Coco?
There's Cocò's money.
Bunlar Coco'nun parası.
Cocò, you take care of lunch...
Coco, öğle yemeğiyle ilgilen...
Cocò... the bucket...
Coco... kovalar...

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