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Translate.vc / English → Turkish / [ C ] / Congratulations to both of you

Congratulations to both of you translate Turkish

33 parallel translation
Heh. Congratulations to both of you.
- İkinize de tebrikler.
The horoscopes matched well congratulations to both of you There are 64 matches.
Harika çok güzel, gördüğüm en güzel evlilik mutlu ve çocuklarla dolu olacak.
Congratulations to both of you in advance.
her ikinizi de tebrik ederim.
My congratulations to both of you. My friend'd like to say a few words. Will you mind?
ikinizi de tebrik ederim, sakıncası yoksa arkadaşım bir kaç şey söylemek istiyor.
Congratulations to both of you, I'm Dirk.
İkinizi de tebrik ederim. Ben, Dirk.
Congratulations to both of you.
İkinizi de tebrik ederim.
Congratulations to both of you.
İkinizi de tebrik ederim. Yanlış bir şey mi söyledim?
Well, congratulations to both of you.
İkinizi de tebrik ederim.
Congratulations to both of you.
- Tebrikler. İkinize de.
You know, congratulations to both of you.
İkinizi de tebrik ederim.
Well, congratulations to both of you gals.
Kızlar, tebrikler.
Oh. Congratulations to both of you. That was just beautiful.
Tebrik ederim ikinizi de harikaydı
And congratulations to both of you.
Ve ikinizi de tebrik ediyorum.
- Hi. - Congratulations to both of you.
- İkiniz de tebrik ediyorum.
I just wanted to say congratulations to both of you.
Sadece ikinizi tebrik etmek istedim.
So I just want to say congratulations to both of you, and especially you, Tony.
Her ikinizi de, özellikle seni Tony,... tebrik etmek istedim.
Congratulations to both of you.
İkinize de tebrikler.
Congratulations to both of you.
- İkinize de tebrikler.
I only stopped to see Sophie and to give both of you Franz's congratulations.
Sadece, Sophie'yi görmek ve Franz'ın iyi dileklerinizi her ikinize iletmek için uğradım.
- Congratulations. - And bonne chance to both of you. - Thank you.
Tebrikler, ikinize de iyi şanslar.
Congratulations to both of you.
Herşey güzel.
- Congratulations to the both of you.
- İkinizi de tebrik ederim.
Congratulations are in order to both of you.
İkinizi de tebrik ederim.
Anyway... congratulations, to both of you.
Herneyse... ikinize de tebrikler.
Congratulations, to both of you.
İkinize de tebrikler.
Well, my congratulations to the both of you.
İkinizi de tebrik ediyorum.
I want to say congratulations And I wish nothing but joy and happiness for the both of you.
Sizi tebrik ettiğimi ve ikinizin de mutluluğunu dilediğimi söylemek istedim.
Congratulations, to both of you.
İkinizi de tebrik ediyorum.

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