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Translate.vc / English → Turkish / [ H ] / He's lying through his teeth

He's lying through his teeth translate Turkish

18 parallel translation
He's Lying through his teeth!
Göz göre göre yalan söylüyor!
- He's lying through his teeth!
- Korkunç yalan söylüyor.
- He's lying through his teeth.
- Düpedüz yalan söylüyor.
Shaw's our toehold. I don't know or care exactly how he fits. But he's lying through his teeth.
Oswald denen o salak suikast gibi büyük bir işe kalkışsın ha?
When he talks like that, he's lying through his teeth.
Dişlerinin arasından yalan söylüyor.
- He's lying through his teeth.
- Gözümüzün içine baka baka yalan söyledi.
I said I wasn't going to say anything but he's lying through his teeth.
Bir şey demeyecektim ama o yalan söylüyor.
Come on, the guy's a con, he's lying through his teeth.
Yapma, bir tutuklu o külliyen yalan söylüyor.
He's lying through his teeth.
Yalan söylüyor.
He's lying through his teeth, isn't he?
Bariz yalan söylüyor, değil mi?
Right, he's lying through his teeth.
Evet, bariz bir şekilde yalan söylüyor.
Jake sick? Nah, he's lying through his teeth.
Jake hasta mı?
He's lying through his teeth.
Ağız dolusu yalan söylüyor.
He's lying through his teeth.
Resmen yalan söylüyor.
He's lying through his fucking teeth!
Külliyen yalan söylüyor.
- He's lying through his teeth.
- Ağzından yalan akıyor.
Enzmann's lying through his teeth. He says it was an accident.
Enzmann göz göre göre yalan söylüyor.
He's - he's lying through his teeth.
Açık açık yalan söylüyor.

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