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Mrs crawley translate Turkish

183 parallel translation
Mrs Crawley.
Bayan Crawley.
Mrs Crawley tells me she's recommended nitrate of silver and tincture of steel.
Bayan Crawley, gümüş nitrat çözeltisi ve çelik tentür önermiş.
That is Mrs Crawley's diagnosis.
Bu, Bayan Crawley'in tanısı.
Please don't think we're ungrateful for your enthusiasm, Mrs Crawley, but there comes a time when things are best left to the professionals.
Lütfen coşkunuzu küçümsediğimizi zannetmeyin, Bayan Crawley ama olayları profesyonellere bırakacağınız zamanlar da gelir.
Mrs Peters. 101 Bridge Road, Crawley.
Bayan Peters. 101 Bridge Caddesi, Crawley.
What is the future Mrs. Leonard Crawley doing here anyway?
Müstakbel Bayan Leonard Crawley'in burada ne işi var peki?
Thank you, Mrs. Crawley.
Tesekkür ederim, Bayan Crawley.
- Dorothy, Mrs. Crawley.
- Dorothy, Bayan Crawley. - Kusura bakmayin, bilmiyordum.
Although I did fire Mrs. Crawley today.
Üstelik bugün Bayan Crawley'i de isten çikardim. Sahiden.
I beg your pardon, Mrs. Crawley.
- Bayan Sharp. Özür dilerim Bay Crawley.
Mrs. Crawley.
Bayan Crawley.
Be careful of the model, Mrs. Crawley.
Modele dikkat Bayan Crawley.
The Crawleys have been here no longer than us, and Mrs. Crawley's the talk of the town.
Crawley'ler de bizim kadar yeni ama Bayan Crawley tüm şehrin dilinde.
Here comes the famous Mrs. Crawley.
İşte ünlü Bayan Crawley.
Good evening, Mrs. Crawley. Good evening.
- İyi akşamlar Bayan Crawley.
Mrs. Crawley.
- Bayan Crawley.
Mrs. Crawley. Yes, good evening.
- Bayan Crawley.
You're not like Amelia, Mrs. Crawley.
Siz Amelia gibi değilsiniz Bayan Crawley.
- If Mrs. Crawley... - Of course.
- Eğer Bayan Crawley...
Mrs. Crawley!
Bayan Crawley!
Mrs. Crawley, over here, if you please!
Bu tarafa lütfen.
Mrs. Crawley! Mrs. Crawley, come back, please!
Bayan Crawley, geri gelin lütfen!
Mrs. Crawley! Discretion being the better part of valor,
Cesaretin en iyi yanı karar verebilme yetisidir.
Mrs. Crawley, hurry!
Bayan Crawley, acele edin!
Mrs. Crawley! Come now, if you're coming!
Bayan Crawley, gelecekseniz gelin!
I mean Mrs. Crawley.
Bayan Crawley demek istedim.
Oh, God, help me. Uh, Mrs., uh, Crawley, when you told Miss Crawley that your mother was a Montmorency...
Bayan Crawley Bayan Crawley'e annenizin bir Montmorency olduğunu söylerken...
You will write a card to Colonel and Mrs. Crawley.
Albay ve Bayan Crawley'e bir kart yazacaksın.
Besides, what's the matter with Mrs. Crawley?
Ayrıca Bayan Crawley'le sorun ne?
I hear you sing and play beautifully, Mrs. Crawley.
Çok güzel çalıp söylediğinizi duydum Bayan Crawley.
I never forget anything, Mrs. Crawley.
Ben hiçbir şeyi unutmam Bayan Crawley.
It's Mrs. Crawley.
Bu Bayan Crawley.
Ah, Mrs. Crawley.
Bayan Crawley.
The trouble is, Mrs. Crawley, you've taken the goods.
Sorun, Bayan Crawley, malları almış olmanız.
You've had your wishes, Mrs. Crawley.
Dileklerinizi elde ettiniz Bayan Crawley.
Don't tell me it is the infamous Mrs. Crawley.
Şu adı kötüye çıkmış olan mı Bayan Crawley mi?
Is it truly the beautiful Mrs. Crawley?
Bu gerçekten güzel Bayan Crawley mi?
My gad, Mrs. Crawley.
Tanrım. Bayan Crawley.
Mrs. Crawley?
Bayan Crawley?
- Mrs. Crawley?
- Bayan Crawley?
I am Mrs. Crawley, and this is my son, Mr. Matthew Crawley.
Ben Bayan Crawley ve bu da oğlum Bay Matthew Crawley.
It's a pleasure to meet you at last, Mrs. Crawley.
Sonunda sizinle tanışmak bir zevk, Bayan Crawley.
Mama, may I present Matthew Crawley and Mrs. Crawley?
Anne, Matthew Crawley ve Bayan Crawley'i tanıtabilir miyim?
Well, we could always start with Mrs. Crawley and Lady Grantham.
İlk olarak Bayan Crawley ve Leydi Grantham'la başlayabiliriz.
I must compliment you, Mrs. Crawley.
Sizi tebrik etmeliyim, Bayan Crawley.
Mrs. Crawley, I appreciate your thoroughness...
Bayan Crawley, düşüncenizi takdir ediyorum- -
- Please, Mrs. Crawley, don't force me to be uncivil.
- Lütfen, Bayan Crawley beni kaba olmaya zorlamayın.
Not as well as Mrs. Crawley, apparently.
Görünüşe göre Bayan Crawley kadar değil.
Not you, not I, and certainly not Mrs. Crawley.
Sen, ben ve kesinlikle Bayan Crawley göremez.
Well, Mrs. Crawley, I have a feeling we will sink or swim together.
Pekala, Bayan Crawley beraberce ya batacağız ya da çıkacağız.
the investiture of our first Chairwoman, Mrs. Reginald Crawley, who has graciously agreed to share the duties of our beloved President, the Dowager Countess of Grantham.
İlk kadın başkan atamamıza. Bayan Reginald Crawley sevgili başkanımız Grantham Kontesi'yle görev paylaşımı yapmayı kabul etti.

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