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She doesn't want to see you translate Turkish

145 parallel translation
Well, without having the prophetic powers of a seventh son I would hazard that she doesn't want to see you anymore.
Yedinci oğul kehanet güçlerine gerek kalmadan sana söyleyebilirim ki artık seni görmek istemiyor.
She doesn't want to see you.
Seni görmek istemiyor.
Rosetta is very upset, and she doesn't want you to see her like this... whereas she doesn't mind if I do.
Rosetta çok üzgün ve sizin onu bu halde görmenizi istemiyor. Oysa bana aldıracağını sanmıyorum.
- She doesn't want to see you.
Adınızı duymak bile istemiyor.
She doesn't want to. Can't you see?
İstemiyor görmüyor musun?
Can't you see she doesn't want to go with you?
Sizle gelmek istemiyor işte, anlamıyor musunuz?
Well, she tells me she doesn't want to see you, sir.
Sizi görmek istemediğini söyledi bana, efendim.
She doesn't want to see you.
O seni görmek istemiyor.
- You see, she doesn't want to eat anymore'cause she got so fat... so I have to sit here and starve all the time.
- Artık yemek istemiyor, çünkü çok kilo aldı. Bu yüzden her zaman burada oturup açlık çekmek zorunda kalıyorum.
- She doesn't want to see you.
- Sarah nerede? - Seni görmek istemiyor.
- Félix, she doesn't want to see you.
Félix seni görmek istemiyor.
She just doesn't want to see you hurt yourself.
Sadece canını yakacak bir şey yapmanı istemiyor. Bende öyle.
She said that she doesn't want to see you.
O seni görmek istemedi? ini söyledi.
I wanted to warn you, so he doesn't catch you off-guard. What do you mean she doesn't want to see me?
İstemiyor da ne demek?
She doesn't want to see you!
Seni görmek istemiyor!
- She doesn't want to see you.
Seni görmek istemiyor.
She says she doesn't want to see you.
Seni görmek istemediğini söylüyor.
She told me to tell you she doesn't want to see you.
Sana görüşmek istemediğini benim söylememi istedi.
She doesn't want to see you.
Sizi görmek istemiyor.
Hey! I said, she doesn't want to see you!
Sizi görmek istemiyor dedim!
- She doesn't want to see you.
- Seni görmek istemiyor.
She doesn't want to see you.
- Onu görmeliyim. - Seni görmek istemiyor.
She doesn't want to see you so you might as well turn around and go home.
Seni görmek istemiyor. Geri dönüp eve gitsen iyi olur.
You see, she's your big defender, But i think the truth is she just doesn't want to disappoint you.
O senin büyük savunmacın ama bence gerçek şu ki, seni hayal kırıklığına uğratmak istemedi.
She doesn't want to see you again.
Seni bir daha görmek istemiyor.
Brother, she doesn't want to see you, doesn't even know you
O dedi ki Sen onun sevgilisi değilmişsin
She doesn't want to see you like this.
Seni burada görmek istemiyor.
No, she doesn't want to see you right now.
Şu anda seni görmek istemiyor.
She doesn't want you or anyone else to see her when she's not at her best.
Senin veya başka birisinin, onu bu haldeyken görmesini istemez.
She doesn't want to see you right now.
Iris, beni öldüreceksin.
- She implied it, when she said she doesn't want to see you right now.
Acını sessiz çek.
Well, she doesn't want to see you, Stanley.
O seni görmek istemiyor Stanly.
Can't you see she doesn't want to talk to you?
Seninle konuşmak istemediğini görmüyor musun?
Well, she doesn't want to see you like this, does she? She's my daughter, Charlie.
Ama burada uyuyamazsın.
You write and she doesn't answer, you go there and she doesn't want to see you.
Yazıyorsun, cevap yazmıyor. Ziyaret ediyorsun, seni görmek istemiyor.
-'She doesn't want to see you.'
- Seni görmek istemiyor.
She said she doesn't want to see you.
Seni görmek istemediğini söyledi.
Why would you try to ambush her with the one person she doesn't want to see? I thought you were on my side.
Neden ona görüşmek istemediği biriyle tuzak kurdun?
I got the feeling she doesn't want to see you again.
Sanırım bir daha seni görmek istemeyecektir.
You can see she doesn't want to.
İstemediğini görmüyor musun?
I guess she doesn't want to see you.
Sanırım seni görmek istemiyor.
She doesn't want to see you. Yeah?
Seni görmek istemiyor.
You know she doesn't Want us to see each other.
Biliyorsun, görüşmemizi istemiyor.
She really doesn't want you to see her like this.
O senin onu bu şekilde görmeni gerçekten hiç istemezdi.
She doesn't want to see you, Christian.
O seni görmek istemiyor, Christian.
She doesn't want you to see her.
Onu görmeni de istemiyor.
Don't worry, she doesn't want to see you either.
Merak etme, O da seni görmek istemiyor.
Can't you see she doesn't want to go with you?
Look, man, she doesn't want to see you.
Bak, dostum seni görmek istemiyor.
- -She doesn't want to see you.
- O seni görmek istemiyor.
She doesn't want to see you right now, and, to be honest, neither do I.
Şu anda seni görmek istemiyor.

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