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Translate.vc / English → Turkish / [ T ] / Tennison

Tennison translate Turkish

8 parallel translation
- And this is Dr. Richard Tennison.
- Bu bey de doktor Richard Tannoson.
Ms. Tennison?
Bayan Tennison?
Tennison's already complained about you.
Tennison seni şikayet etmiş.
Pulling up Tennison's flight request.
Tennison'ın uçuş talep formunu açıyorum.
Give me the money, Tennison.
- Parayı ver Tennison.
Yeah, Mrs. Tennison. Yeah.
- Evet, Bayan Tennison.
Just a busted control panel, Mrs. Tennison. Nothing too serious.
Kumanda paneli bozulmuş, Bayan Tennison.
McGee, where's Tennison?
McGee, Tennison nerede?

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