Vec translate Turkish
9 parallel translation
Al juven par l'oc, par el bul al vec.
"Al juven par l'oc, par el bul al vec."
Yes, vec'ed him out. Okay.
Evet, işte!
We put a tube in his trachea and breathe for him. This is vec.
Trakeasına tüp yerleştirir, solunum cihazıyla nefes almasını sağlarız.
Put him on a drip along with Vec. And put him on a BIS monitor.
Damlalık takın ve BIS monitörüne bağlayın.
Prepare for RSI with 15 of etomidate and 10 of vec.
15 etomidate ve 10 vec ilaveli RSI hazırlayın.
Nor... way.
Nor... veç.
You gave him vec?
His CVP is 10, wedge pressure 14, and SVR 600.
CVP 10, veç basıncı 14 ve SVR 600.