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Alucard translate English

166 parallel translation
Esperamos a un amigo de los Caldwell, el conde Alucard.
We're here to meet a friend of the Caldwells, a Count Alucard.
Como Alucard no ha venido, aquí no pintamos nada.
Well, if there's no Alucard, there's no need of our waiting around here.
Sé que el conde Alucard vendrá esta noche aunque no haya llamado.
I know Count Alucard will be here tonight, without benefit of telephone.
¿ Acaso el conde Alucard...?
Well, why?
Te he hecho venir para advertirte.
Isn't Count Alucard... I wished you here to warn you.
Quiero saber si va a venir el conde Alucard.
But I want to know of Count Alucard.
No se llama Alucard.
"Alucard" is not his name.
Padre, tendremos que celebrar otra fiesta cuando llegue el conde Alucard. - Eso me temo.
Well, Father, I'm afraid we'll have to do this all over again when Count Alucard does come.
Desde que conociste al conde Alucard en Budapest, has cambiado.
Ever since you met this Count Alucard in Budapest, you've changed.
¿ Te refieres a Alucard?
Has it anything to do with Alucard?
Alucard es un impostor, un farsante.
Alucard is an impostor, a fake.
No conocen a ningún conde Alucard en la embajada húngara.
His reply informed me that Count Alucard is not known at the Hungarian embassy.
Anuncia al conde Alucard.
Announce Count Alucard.
Lo llamaba para preguntarle si conocía a una familia de la nobleza húngara llamada Alucard,
Why, I called to find out if you know anything about a titled Hungarian family named Alucard.
¿ Alucard?
Un tal conde Alucard ha visitado a un amigo mío.
A certain Count Alucard is visiting a friend of mine.
- ¿ No pensará que el conde Alucard...?
No, but surely, you don't think Count Alucard...
Dentro de poco, amor mío, te convertirás en la condesa Alucard.
In a few moments, my dear, you will become Countess Alucard.
Sé que tú y Alucard os veis en secreto.
I know that you and Alucard are meeting secretly.
¿ He podido dispararle a él y matarla a ella?
Could I have shot through Alucard and killed her without hurting him?
- Kay y Alucard se habían casado.
Kay and Alucard were married tonight. I know. I followed them.
- lmposible. Recuerdo que choqué contra un árbol mientras seguía a Kay y Alucard.
Because I remember a tree fell on it earlier in the evening while I was following Kay and Alucard.
Alucard es, sin duda, un vampiro.
Alucard is undoubtedly a vampire.
¿ Cree que Frank disparó a Alucard y las balas lo atravesaron?
You mean you actually believe that Frank shot through Alucard without hurting him?
No, a menos que Alucard le chupara tanta sangre que muriera.
No, unless Alucard drained so much blood from him, that he died. Well, what about Kay?
Y Alucard le prometía la vida eterna.
And Alucard could promise her eternal life.
¿ quién podría haberlo hecho, sino Alucard, es decir, Drácula?
Who else would have done that except Alucard, Dracula?
Pero te has casado con Alucard. No lo quiero.
But you're married, Kay, you're married to Alucard.
El conde Alucard es inmortal.
Count Alucard is immortal.
Quizá lo comprendas cuando te diga que el conde Alucard es el conde Drácula.
Perhaps you'll understand when I tell you Count Alucard's real name is Count Dracula.
Que te diga dónde se refugia el conde Alucard durante el día.
Find out if he knows where Count Alucard keeps himself during the day.
Aún no hemos localizado al conde Alucard.
We haven't been able to contact Count Alucard so far.
Acabemos con Alucard.
Our first worry's Alucard.
Yo te sacaré, pero no tendrás que buscar a Alucard.
I'll get you out, but you won't have to hunt for Alucard.
- Desvariaba sobre matar a Alucard.
Oh, some crazy stuff about killing Count Alucard.
¿ Mencionó dónde esperaba encontrar a Alucard?
Did he say anything that would give us an idea of where he expected to find Count Alucard?
Avisaremos a Alucard antes de que llegue Frank.
Good. We'll get right out there, and warn Alucard before Frank gets there.
Tenemos que buscar a Alucard.
We'd better get out to where Alucard is hiding.
- Creía que no iban a avisar a Alucard.
I thought you weren't going to warn Alucard about Frank.
No eres el conde Alucard, sino el conde Drácula, un no muerto. Un bicho repugnante que vive de la sangre de los vivos.
You're not Count Alucard, but Count Dracula, one of the undead, a loathsome thing, surviving on the blood of the living.
- ¿ Son los restos de Alucard?
You mean, that's all that's left of Alucard?
Lleva el sello de Alucard, el mismo que llevaba su equipaje.
It bears the Alucard seal, just as on his luggage.
Se trata de Alucard o Drácula u otro, pero ¿ dónde está Frank Stanley?
Well, assuming it is Alucard, or Dracula, or whoever he calls himself, where is Frank Stanley?
Johnny Alucard.
Johnny Alucard.
Infórmeme en cuanto encuentre a Johnny Alucard.
And let me know the moment you find Johnny Alucard.
Podría estar con Johnny Alucard.
She could be with Johnny Alucard.
- ¿ Johnny Alucard?
- Johnny Alucard?
¿ Qué opinas de los cambios en esta era, Alucard?
What do you think of the age we live in, Arucard?
¿ El conde Alucard?
Count Alucard?
- El conde y yo nos hemos casado.
Count Alucard and I were married tonight.
Mi nombre es Alucard.
My name is Arucard.

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