/ Spanish → English / Cheat
Cheat translate English
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Va a esperar a engañarte o golpearte.
He's gonna wait to do something like cheat on you or hit you.
Algo respetable como engañarme o golpearme.
Something respectable like cheat on me or hit me.
No la engañes.
Don't cheat.
No tengo pensado engañarla.
I have no plans to cheat.
Ellos no la engañaron.
They didn't cheat her.
Me has engañado, Kouta.
You cheat Kouta.
¿ Varnak famoso, golpeado por un muchacho joven y ahora tratando de engañar?
Famous Varnak, beaten by a young boy and now trying to cheat him?
No hay duda de que vuestro socio es un tramposo y un estafador.
No doubt your partner is a cheat and a swindler.
Tus palabras, tus mentiras, y ahora tienes regalos para engañarme?
Your words, your lies, and now you've got gifts to cheat me?
Mentir, engañar, extorsionar...
Lie, cheat, extort...
Alexander Grayson no es solo un astuto hombre de negocios, es un genio criminal, preparado para engañar, chantajear, o asesinar a cualquiera que se ponga en su camino.
Alexander Grayson is not only a cunning businessman, he is a criminal mastermind, prepared to cheat, blackmail, or murder anyone who stands in his way.
Te lo dije usted faltar a clase y luego lo haria engañame con alguien que ve como mi primo Maevid y que lo haria tiene que rescatar a su culo perfecto de la carcel.
I told you you would skip class and then you would cheat on me with someone who looks like my cousin Maevid and that I would have to bail your perfect ass out of jail.
Voy a hacer esto... y no lo haré haciendo trampa.
I'm gonna get this done... and it's not gonna be as a cheat.
Yo fui el que habló, siempre engañado.
I was the one who talked, yöu always cheated. Cheat.
Engañar a su nueva novia.
To cheat on his new girlfriend.
Ya sea trampa o robo.
"Whether I cheat or rob."
¿ Realmente no crees que John Ross podría engañarte con ella, verdad?
You don't really think John Ross would cheat on you with her, do you?
¿ Y engañarías a tu mujer y empezarías una guerra en esta familia solo para conseguir tu trato hecho, verdad?
And you would cheat on your wife and start a war in this family just to get your deal done, wouldn't you?
No creerás que John Ross te engañaría con ella, ¿ no?
You don't really think John Ross would cheat on you with her, do you?
John Ross jamás te engañaría.
John Ross would never cheat on you.
No pudimos estafar a su padre.
We didn't cheat her father.
No puedes engañarlos.
You can't cheat them.
No entiendo a los hombres que engañan.
Look, I don't understand... These men who cheat on their wives...
¿ la engañarías?
Would you cheat on her?
Y tus notas están a punto de tener más sentido.
And your cheat sheets are about to make a lot more sense.
Vale, "Chuleta Humana" tiene que ser Spencer, ¿ pero quién es "Suzy Despistada"?
Okay, "Human cheat sheet" has gotta be Spencer, but who is "Suzy Clueless"?
La usaba para traer a otras mujeres, así podía engañar a mi madre.
He used to bring other women here so he could cheat on my mother.
Simon, jurar sobre su sudadera con capucha que no vas a engañar a mí.
Simon, swear on your hoodie you're not going to cheat on me.
Eres un maldito idiota para engañar a alguien tan sexy.
You're a fucking numbskull to cheat on someone that hot.
Para que no hagas trampa y manejes a través de Suecia.
So you don't cheat, and drive through Sweden.
¿ Qué razón tendría él para estafar a su familia?
Now what reason would he have to cheat on his family?
No puede estafarnos, Sr. Borden.
You can't cheat us, Mr. Borden.
Lo es, cuando el adulto intenta engañar a la gente.
It is, when the grownup is trying to cheat people.
Como puedes ver, no me van a engañar.
As you can see, they won't cheat me.
- No estoy tratando de engañarte.
- I'm not trying to cheat you.
Bablu, nos engañaste.
Bablu you cheat
Eres tan tramposo, Shiva...
You are a cheat.. "
¿ Cómo llegaste a ser un oficial de especial?
Did you cheat to become a police officer? Exactly!
No, pero estoy segura de que puedo usar a algún profesor asiático.
No, but I'm sure I can friend some Asian teacher to cheat off of.
Bueno, lo suficiente para saber que era una comadreja y un tramposo.
Well, well enough to know he was a weasel and a cheat.
Siempre podrías engañar.
You could always cheat.
La gente suele engañar.
People usually cheat.
# Pero, ¿ quién defenderá a los trabajadores... # # que no se pueden organizar... # # cuando los jefes envían a sus lacayos para hacernos caer?
♪ but who'll defend the workers ♪ who cannot organize ♪ when the bosses send their lackeys out to cheat us?
No hagas trampa.
Don't cheat.
Me di cuenta que ella jamás podría engañar a su marido.
I could tell right away she'd never cheat on her husband.
Cheat está muerto.
Cheat's dead.
Grace mira si puedes dar con el camello de Cheat.
Grace, see if you can identify Cheat's dealer.
Si vienen a por nosotros entonces de ningún modo se van a detener en Cheat.
If there gonna come after us, then there's no way they're just going to stop at Cheat.
¿ Engañarte?
To lie to me, to cheat me?
Podríamos ahora.
We could cheat now.
( Puerta del baño se abrió )
" What a cheat you are, O lord!