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Translate.vc / Spanish → English / Estân

Estân translate English

81 parallel translation
¿ Estân aquí?
They're here?
Estân con el Ejército Republicano.
They're with the Republican Army.
Estân en camino.
They're shoving off.
Estân a 3000 Km. Al norte.
They're holding about 2000 miles north of here.
- Estân en el polo.
- They're all over the pole like flies.
¿ Estân bien?
Everybody all right?
- Estân abiertos y creo que ve.
- They're open and look like they can see.
- Estân muy heridos.
- Looked like they'd been through a chopper.
Estân marchitos.
They're wilted.
Estân todos bien?
is everybody fine?
Estân haciendo otro saqueo!
They're raiding again!
Estân acercándose
They are coming closer
? Estân listos?
Are you ready?
- Estân gastados.
- They're pretty worn.
Estân sobre él.
They're on top of him.
Estân malditos por el brujo.
They are cursed by el brujo.
Éstos son los guardianes del umbral, Saltamontes. Estân aquí para alejar a aquellos que no están listos para el silencio interior.
These are the threshold guardians, grasshopper set here to keep away those not ready for the silence within.
Estân allá afuera, eso es lo importante.
They're out there, that's what counts.
Estân bajando de Canadâ.
They're coming down from Canada.
Estân obligados por sus votos a esforzarse al máximo.
You are both enjoined by your vows to do your utmost.
Estân acorralados.
We got them pinned down.
Estân bajo mis órdenes.
Your men are under orders to me.
Estân en mi cueva en Montaña Fría.
They are at my cave on Cold Mountain.
¡ Estân sobre nosotros!
They are upon us!
¡ Estân huyendo!
They're on the run!
¡ Estân aquí!
The enemy is here!
- Estân en sus tareas.
- They are about their tasks.
¡ Estân en casa de un granjero llamado Hoyle!
They're holed up with a farmer name of Hoyle!
¿ Estân satisfechos?
Have you seen your fill?
- Estân por ahí riéndose de mí.
- They're out there laughing at me.
Estân de pie frente a un triángulo de árboles, mirando las rocas.
You are standing before a triangle of trees, looking at the rocks.
Estân en algún lado.
They're out there somewhere.
Estân casi en tus manos.
They're as good as in your hands.
Estân molestos porque estoy contigo.
They are angry at me for being with you.
¿ Estân allí ahora?
They are there now?
Estân acabando con nosotros.
They're wearing us down. Wearing us down.
Estân equivocados.
It's a mistake!
Estân muy enojados contigo.
The Americans are very angry with you, Harry.
¿ Estân de vacaciones?
Going on your holidays, are you?
Estân investigando dos bancos de Lewis.
Lewis owns a couple of banks the regulators are looking into.
¿ Estân locos?
Have you lost your minds?
Estân en el mercado.
They're at the market.
Estân aquí.
They're here.
Estân en llamas.
The fields are on fire.
Estân muertos.
They are dead.
- Estân retrocediendo.
- They are pulling back.
Estân vencidos.
They are broken.
Estân desmarcados.
It's wide open.
Estân ahí un segundo y al siguiente, ya no.
It'd be there one second and gone the next.
Estân marcados.
They're all labeled.
¿ Estân listos para reírse?
Are you guys ready to laugh?

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