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Habiá translate English

6,238 parallel translation
El tio dijo que habia jugado al poker en la trastienda con Wes en el Savoy.
Fella said he played in a backroom poker game with Wes at the Savoy.
No habia nada divertido nada de hablar sucio mientras teniamos sexo
There was no funny business, no dirty talk.
Y me di cuenta que en este club habia una encargada del baño
And I realized at this club, there was a bathroom attendant.
Emma, no salio como lo habia planeado.
Emma, this isn't how I planned this.
Bueno, no habia nada en el vehiculo de Comescu.
Well, there was nothing in Comescu's vehicle.
La carne que habia en el colmillo del perro pertenece a... una mujer desconocida.
That flesh from the dog's teeth came back to... an unknown male.
Creía que el habia pasado las pruebas.
I assumed he'd make the rounds.
Ahí habia un profresor, el Dr. Cabrera.
And there was an old professor, Dr.Cabrera.
Y quizás habia dinosaurios.
And maybe there are dinosaurs about.
- No, ¿ tú qué tal? Nada... quiero decir que ninguno de los pacientes habia visto al dentista todavía, entonces no fue ninguno de los instrumentos que utilizó.
No--I mean, none of the patients had been in to see the dentist yet, so it wasn't one of the instruments he used.
Nunca antes me habia sentido tan fuerte
I've never felt stronger in my entire life.
Me quede asombrada, en verdad nunca antes lo habia oido cantar y no es algo de lo que el realmente habla pero tiene talento, seguro
Leann : I was blown away. I really was.
Creí que te habia golpeado un día antes.
Thought I'd hit you a day early.
Por la mañana se sentía muy cansado aunque habia estado durmiendo.
( low guttural sound ) In the morning, Bill felt really tired even though he'd just been sleeping.
Encontró un mensaje en la contestadora que le informaba que su madre habia muerto esa mañana.
He found a message on the answering machine that was sorry to inform him his mother had just died that morning.
No habia nada en sus ojos.
There was nothing in his eyes.
No lo habia visto desde que era un bebé.
I haven't seen this since I was a baby.
Bueno, técnicamente unos años después, pero todavía habia condones y diafragmas tirados por todos lados.
Well, technically, a-a few years after, but there were still condoms and diaphragms layin'all over the place. ( laughs )
Rasmus habia esperado durante 19 anos.
Rasmus had been waiting for 19 years
Para un homosexual no habia ningun sitio.
For a homosexual there was one place you could go.
Lauren me llamó un día y me preguntó si yo habia jugado con juguetes My Little Pony cuando era una niña pequeña.
Lauren called me up one day and asked me if I had played with My Little Pony toys as a little girl.
Una noche hubo una, eh, habia unos campesinos de pie alrededor de mi coche, había un camión delante de mi coche así que no podía moverlo,
One night there was a, uh, a few rednecks standing around my car, uh, there was a truck in front of my car, behind it, so I couldn't move.
¿ Qu habia en la Biblia que leias a mi?
What was it in the Bible you read to me?
el habia vivido sus ultimos dos años en un infierno.
He had lived his last two years in a living hell.
Habia condones en la guantera.
There's condoms in the glove box.
El nunca habia hecho eso antes.
He's never done that before.
No, es que nunca habia notado esa cicatriz, solo eso.
No, I just never noticed that scar before, that's all.
En un principio, asumi que tan solo se te habia derramado un poco sobre tu ropa. pero ahora que sé lo de la herida...
Initially, I'd assumed that you just spilled some on your clothing, but now that I know about the wound...
Habia estado vagabundeando de un centro de parto en un establo cercano.
I had wandered away from a community birthing in a barn nearby.
Habia tenido que ser balanceado muy cuidadosamente
It had to be very carefully balanced.
De hecho, para cuando el Aston dejó de dar vueltas... Habia establecido un nuevo récord mundial... Por el número de giros en una maniobra de este tipo
In fact, by the time the Aston came to rest, it had set a new world record for the number of rolls in a car stunt.
Ni siquiera habia dicho pescadores nunca.
I've never even said the word "capri."
Sorprendente! Hmm, nunca me habia pasado esto. - ¿ Qué pasa?
Awesome! Hmm, never seen this happen before. - What's wrong?
Habia una vez, un brujo llamado Silas que amaba a una chica y quería estar con ella por siempre.
Once upon a time, there was a witch named Silas who loved a girl and wanted to be with her forever.
¿ Por qué iban a esperar los españoles que lo fuera, si no habia barcos extranjeros en el Pacifico?
And why they would expect one? They were no foreign ships in the Pacific.
Pensaban que habia un oceano inmenzo e intransitable entre Europa y Asia.
They believe there is a vast, uncrossable ocean between Europe and Asia.
Mientras sangraba, le dije lo que le habia hecho a mi familia,
As he bled, I told him what he'd done to my family.
Aqui hay mas entusiasmo del que habia previsto.
That's slightly more enthusiasm than I had anticipated.
Y el Señor vio lo que habia hecho y le gusto.
"And the Lord saw " what He had made, and it was good. "
Homer no lo sabia, pero Burns habia contratado al cazador de perros local para coger a Bongo.
Little Homer didn't know it, but Burns had unleashed the local dogcatcher to bring Bongo in.
Se habia convertido en su perro.
He had become her dog.
Creo en mi, completamente estoy mas que seguro, jugue duro, y pensé que yo habia jugado más duro que nadie.
I think you're going can the minded set, you're confident, you play hard, and i thought i played harder than anybody else.
Se trata de la deportividad, que entraste con este bagaje grande de las Grandes Ligas, y cada vez que teníamos un reto que Jeff Kent habia perdido, yo esperaba oír quejas, y cada vez que él dijo, " hey, nos ganaron, vamos a tratar de conseguirlo la próxima vez.
It's about sportsmanship, you came in with this big baggage from the major leagues, and every time we had a challenge that jeff kent lost, i expected to hear complaining, and every time he said, " hey, they got us, we'll try to get them next time.
Yo ni siquiera sabía que habia sucedido durante ese tiempo.
I didn't even know that it happened during that time.
Porque nunca habia pasado algo asi.
We never had anything like that.
Tras Bahía de Cochinos, Kennedy habia contenido al Estado Mayor.
After the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy had contempt for the Joint Chiefs.
Yo habia presenciado demasiados casos de la misma en la comunidad minera creci pulg
I'd witnessed far too many cases of it in the mining community I grew up in.
Yo sabia que habia visto antes.
I knew I'd seen you before.
deberia ser el'76,'77, creo, cuando conocí a Drew- - ya habia escuchado de èl
Had to be'76,'77, I imagine, that I met Drew- - I heard about Drew.
El único problema era, él era un maravilloso artista del aerógrafo, pero no habia hecho retratos.
Only trouble was, he was a wonderful airbrush artist, but he didn't do portraits.
Así que él me conocía y que yo ya habia hecho, me llamò y dijo, " quieres compartir un poster?
So he knew me and that I did them, so he called and said, " Do you want to share a poster?

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