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Hanim translate English

76 parallel translation
Maldita seas, Senay Hanim!
Damn it, Senay Hanim!
Aquí es donde crucé mi camino con Idil Hanim.
Lt's here I crossed paths with Idil Hanim.
Hasene Hanim me visitó anoche
Hasene Hanim visited last night.
Ella tampoco me visitó nunca Mi bisabuela, Saliha Hanim.
She's never visited either. My great grandmother, Saliha Hanim.
Los guardé en mi pecho durante un siglo Se los diste a Saliha Hanim.
They've been in my bosom for a century. You gave them to Saliha Hanim.
- Gracias, Mefrika Hanim.
- Thanks, Mefrika Haným.
No, Umut Hanim.
No, Umut Haným.
No te preocupes.
Don't worry, küçhük hanim.
Ahora lo hago, señora Gülten.
OK, I'll do that now, Gülten Hanim.
Si llegaba a venderlo nunca se lo hubiese perdonado, señora Figen.
I'd never have forgiven you if it had been sold, Figen Hanim.
¿ Cuánto quiere por él, señora Figen?
How much do I owe you for this, Figen Hanim?
Señora Müzeyyen, ¿ va cómoda ahí atrás?
Müzeyyen Hanim, are you comfortable there?
Y no me trates de señora ni de usted.
But do stop calling me'hanim'.
Nalan, ¿ acepta a Erdem como legítimo esposo?
Do you Nalan Hanim, Erdem Bey, as your partner in marriage?
Erdem, ¿ acepta a Nalan como legítima esposa?
Do you Erdem Bey, accept Nalan Hanim, as your partner in marriage?
La Sra. Hulya me ha pedido que limpie.
It's just Hulya Hanim was asking when the floor there would be cleaned.
- Buenos días, Gulsen Hanim.
- Good morning.
- ¿ Cahide estaba celosa de usted?
Was Cahide Hanim jealous with you? Yes.
Saludos de Feride.
Feride Hanim said hello to you.
Feride te envía la cena.
And Feride Hanim sent your dinner.
Le ha gustado a Feride.
But Feride Hanim liked it.
- La casa de Hulya está vacía.
No, Hulya Hanim's. It's empty now.
Voy a decírselo a Umay Haným.
I'll tell Umay Hanim.
Gül... ¿ Gül Hanim era su nombre?
Gül... Gül Hanim was your name?
¡ Gül Harim, por favor!
Gül Hanim, please!
-... su hija, Hatun Hanim?
-... Hatun Hanım?
Hatun Hanim, creemos que su hija está muerta.
Hatun Hanım we believe that your daughter is dead.
Con su permiso, me gustaría darle una visita a Battal Bey y hablar con Hilal Hanim Hasan, ven conmigo.
With your permission I would like to visit Battal Bey and talk to Hilal Hanım. Hasan, come with me.
Espero que este Ud. bien Hilal Hanim Vinimos a hablar con Battal Bey.
Hope you're doing well Hilal Hanım. We came to see Battal Bey.
A la doctora Sema Hanim.
Dr Sema Hanim.
- ¿ Qué quiere de la doctora Hanim?
- What do you want with Sema Hanim?
Pero la doctora Sema Hanim no recibe pacientes en casa.
But Dr Sema Hanim doesn't see patients at home.
¿ Dra. Sema Hanim?
Dr Sema Hanim?
La adivina de Güler Hanim.
GuIer Hanim's fortune-telIer.
- Güler Hanim le dio mi número.
- GuIer Hanim gave you my number.
Hasta ha convencido a Güler Hanim.
You've even convinced GuIer Hanim.
Después conocí a Güler Hanim, la abogada.
Then I met Guler Hanim, the lawyer.
Güler Hanim me dijo que nunca le han leído el futuro.
I hear from GuIer Hanim you've never had your fortune told.
- Dra. Sema Hanim, yo no miento.
- Dr Sema Hanim, I don't tell lies.
Sema Hanim, no diga tonterías.
Sema Hanim, don't talk rubbish.
- Arruinó la vida de mi hija, Sema Hanim.
- You ruined my girl's life, Sema Hanim.
¡ Deniz Hanim!
Deniz Hanim!
¿ Deniz Hanim?
Deniz Hanim?
¿ Deniz Hanim, qué pasa?
Deniz Hanim, what's up?
Deniz Hanim, ¿ quién es esta?
Deniz Hanim, who's this?
¿ Sema Hanim?
Sema Hanim?
¿ Qué quiere de Sema Hanim?
What do you want with Sema Hanim?
¿ Qué quiere de la Dra. Sema Hanim?
What do you want with Dr Sema Hanim? What business do you have...
Deniz Hanim, ¿ qué es esto?
Deniz Hanim, what's this about?
¿ Hola?
Hello, Gülten Hanim?
Sé amable.
Be beautiful, Müzeyyen Hanim!

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