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Hariá translate English

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Por la causa de dinero, cualquiera hariá algo.
For money's sake, anyone will do anything.
Israel seguia siendo firme en que no haria ningun trato con los terroristas para comprar tiempo, los negociadores le mintieron a issa..... diciendo que todavia esperaban una respuesta definitiva de Jerusalem.
Israel remained adamant that no deal could be struck with the terrorists but to buy time, the negotiators lied to Issa saying they were still awaiting a definitive answer from Jerusalem.
Sí, lo haria.
Yes, I would.
¿ Te haria sentir mejor que mi cliente muriera?
Would it make you feel better if my client was put to death?
Yo no haria eso si fuera tu.
Woudn't do that if were you.
- Te dije que lo haria. - Sí...
I told you he does that.
Lo haria con cualquiera de estas mujeres.
I'll take a run at any one of these ladies.
Es por un problema capilar porque eso me haria enojar.
Was that a hair crack because it could make me mad.
Yo te haria el amor aunque fueras una osa enojada.
I'd have sex with you on an angry bear.
- Yo no Haria eso. - ¿ Qué?
- I wouldn't do that. - What?
Lo último que haria seria herir a alguien
The last thing I want to do is to hurt anybody.
Si, creo que lo haria
I'm sure I would.
Dios, yo Io haria con eI!
God, I'd do it!
- Que haria tu papa, Nicky?
- What would your dad do, Nicky?
eso es lo haria cualquier capitan.
That's what a captain does.
no se por que se la presion por ganar, les asustan y les pone neuroticas me haria millonaria vendiendo calmantes.
I don't know what's scarier, neurotic cheerleaders or the pressure to win. I could make a killing selling something like Diet Prozac.
No, debes haber dicho Jerry, como Lewis, lo que te haria Dean Martin, ¿ correcto?
No, you must have said Jerry, like Lewis, which would make you Dean Martin, right?
No, ella no haria eso.
No, she wouldn't do that.
Que es lo que haria King?
What would King do?
No lo se, Gordie. Que haria el?
I don't know, Gordie.
Jimmy King no haria algo asi!
Jimmy King wouldn't do that stuff!
Como habria, ya sabes Como se haria?
How would, you know, how would it go down?
Tendría que estar loco para decirtelo Hasta te haria el amor ahora mismo... Justo aquí, Por el resto de mis días.
I'd have to be crazy to tell you I'd even make love to you now... right here, for the rest of my life.
Es lo que cualquier humano haria.
Any human.
No, porque haria eso?
No, why would I do that?
Tengo que decirte, estas tomandote esto mucho mejor de lo que yo lo haria.
Man! I gotta tell you, you're takin all this a lot better than I would.
Creame que lo haria... y lo hara, aunque haya hecho exactamente lo que le dijo que hiciera.
Believe me, he would... and will, even though you did exactly what he told you.
¿ Por qué haria ella eso?
Now why would she do that?
Trabajar.... ¿ te hubieras imaginado que yo a haria algo asi?
Work, you believe I've been doing something like that?
Y jamas haria algo que pudiera hacerle daño.
And I would never ever do anything that would hurt her.
No se que haria sin el.
Don't know what I'd do without him.
Por favor, creeme. Si pudiera hacer algo, lo haria.
Please, believe me, if I could do anything, I would.
De hecho, terminariamos en primero, porque ella haria trampa.
Actually first, because she'd probably cheat.
Si, creo que lo haria.
Yes, I believe you would.
? Haria esto por ella?
You would do this for her?
Yla verdad es que lo haria de nuevo.
And the truth is that I would do it again.
Cuanto calculas que le haria a este edificio?
What do you reckon it'd do to this building?
No estoy seguro si haria algun bien aun cuando lo tuvieramos.
The only language they understand is barter.
Siento que no pudo encontrarte del modo que dijie lo haria.
Ella tiene razon. tenemos que preguntarnos, "¿ Que haria Ultranotita?"
She's right. We must ask ourselves, " What would UltraLord do? '
¿ Que haria Ultranotita, Sheen?
What would UltraLord do, Sheen?
preguntate a ti mismo, ¿ Que haria Ultranotita?
Askyourself, what would UltraLord do?
Alistandome para hacer lo que se supondría que haria- -
Getting ready to do what it was that I said that I would- -
¿ Y cómo lo haria?
And how could you?
eso me haria muy feliz
It'd make her happy, wouldn't it?
Es alguien que no le haria daño a una mosca.
He's someone who doesn't hurt a fly.
¿ Por que me haria tal cosa?
Why would Sailor do such a thing to me?
- No crees que lo haria.
- You don't think that I would.
- No lo haria.
- He wouldn't.
lo siento. creo que cuanto mas conciente eres, mas lento pasa lo que haria posibles los viajes a la velocidad de la luz, pero... el volvera cuando haya vuelto.
I'm sorry. I believe the more you're aware of time, the slower it moves which could make light-speed travel possible, but- - He'll be back when he's back.
Oh, Dennis, que haria yo sin ti?
Oh, Dennis, what would I do without you?

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