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Maybe translate English

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Yo dije : "Hay una mujer, Ilse Crawford".
I said, "Oh, maybe there's this lady, Ilse Crawford."
Puede que tú no puedas rebobinarlas, bonita, pero yo tengo un equipo de hindúes llevando una granja de servidores en Adams Morgan grabando cada segundo de cada cámara de tráfico en este villorrio.
Maybe you can't rewind them, toots, but I've got a team of Hindus running a server farm in Adams Morgan recording every second of every traffic cam in this burg.
De acuerdo, vale, eso nos da, puede que unos quince minutos.
All right, okay, that bought us maybe, like, 15 minutes.
De pronto si le explicas todo a tus padres...
Maybe if you explain it to your parents...
Tal vez tu papá viniendo a la cena es una buena cosa.
Maybe your dad coming to dinner is a good thing.
De pronto ellos vuelven a hablar allá.
Maybe they'll talk there.
Quizás si les ayudo a romper el hielo durante la cena, superarán sus diferencias.
Maybe if I get them to break the ice at the dinner, they'll move past their differences.
Talvez pueda arreglar que Tracy saque la basura la próxima vez que papá venga a recogerme.
Maybe I can time it so Tracy takes out the trash next time Dad comes to pick me up.
Bueno, talvez sin Ivy.
Well, maybe minus Ivy.
Talvez es dragón niña.
Maybe it's a girl dragon.
Quizás para la próxima temporada, Ya estés perfecta.
Maybe by next season, I'll be perfect.
Ese tiene un punto. Quizás deberían tener puntos.
That one has a period, maybe they should have periods.
"Si hubiera hecho algo más diferente quizá la elección hubiese sido otra" porque uno no lo sabe.
"Well, you know, if I would have done something else differently, maybe the election would have been different," because you don't know.
Quizás tienen que tocarse.
Maybe it just has to touch it.
A lo mejor ella me lo dio.
Maybe she gave it to me.
A lo mejor porque lo estabas torturando.
Maybe he misspoke because you were torturing him.
O tal vez estabas asustado.
Or maybe you were afraid.
Quiza Bobby se salio de esto.
Maybe Bobby got off on this.
O tal vez esto fue lo que lo mato.
Or maybe this is what got him killed.
Quiza paranoico es la palabra equivocada.
Maybe paranoid's the wrong word.
No hay nada que la conecte con Bobby salvo, quiza, las drogas.
There is nothing to cross her with Bobby except maybe the drugs.
Tal vez la siguio, la asusto y lo usa con ella.
Maybe he follows her, he roughs her up, uses with her.
¿ O tal vez lo llamaste por ayuda?
Or maybe you called him for help?
tal vez, asi es como son padres.
Maybe that's how they parent.
Estaba pensando que hoy fue un dia tan largo que quiza solo... me quedaria aqui y pasaria el rato con Zoe.
I was thinking today was so long that maybe I'd just... I'd stay in and hang with Zoe.
Quizás pedir uno de esos envoltorios de algas.
Maybe get me one of those seaweed wraps.
- Tal vez deberías reunirte con él.
- Maybe you should meet with the man.
Quizás no lo has notado, pero la palmera... está botando frutas, esas pequeñas bayas, encima de mi nueva compra... un totalmente restaurado...
Maybe you haven't noticed, but the tree... it's dropping palm fruit, the little berries, all over my brand new purchase... a fully-restored...
Si no le está devolviendo las llamadas, es quizás porque no quiere.
If she's not calling you back, maybe it's because she doesn't want to.
Gideon es tal vez el ejecutor más brutal que me he cruzado en veinte años de pelear guerras de drogas.
Gideon is maybe the most brutal enforcer I've come across in 20 years of fighting drug wars.
Tal vez salir de la oficina.
Maybe step outside the office.
Trata con el estacionamiento, quizás el nivel D.
Try the parking garage, maybe Level D.
Policía local ¿ tal vez?
Local police, maybe?
¿ Te gustaría... no sé... salir a comer esta noche?
You want to, uh... I don't know... maybe go to dinner tonight?
Tal vez no valoramos las increíbles cosas que ya estamos perdiendo.
Maybe we don't value the amazing things we are already losing.
Si logras eliminar el 80 por ciento para 2030, y el 100 para 2050, tal vez puedas evitar el calentamiento de 1,5 grados.
If you can eliminate 80 percent by 2030 and a hundred percent by 2050, then you can avoid or barely- - Maybe, barely avoid 1.5 degree warming.
- Tal vez.
- Maybe.
- Tal vez.
- Yeah, maybe.
Tal vez tenga un cortocircuito.
Maybe he has a short circuit.
Quizá podamos anular los controles de la escotilla.
Maybe we can override the hatch controls.
Bueno, quizá debamos darles lo que se merecen.
Well maybe we should give it to them.
Quizá puedas contactar con la base.
Maybe you could contact home base.
Pero tal vez estábamos destinados a encontrarlo y destinados a encontrarte.
But maybe we were meant to find it and meant to find you.
No habra huellas, pero quiza tengamos suerte.
Won't be any footprints, but maybe we get lucky.
El tecnico piensa que era joven, quiza 25 a lo mucho, en base al desarrollo del craneo.
Tech thinks he was young, maybe 25 at the most, based on the development of the skull.
Quiza lo esta protegiendo por alguna razon.
Maybe she's protecting him for some reason.
Quizas ella finalmente aparezca.
Maybe she finally came around.
¿ Tal vez hay un tercer conspirador?
Maybe there's a third conspirator?
Si, bueno, tal vez Darren comenzo todo este juego... pero usted siguio jugando despues de que murio.
Yeah, well, maybe Darren started this whole game... but you kept playing after he died.
Quiza enmendar las cosas.
Maybe fixed things.
Quizá estaba equivocado.
Maybe he was wrong.

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