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Muriò translate English

9 parallel translation
Muriò cuando ella tenía dos años.
He died when she was two.
¿ Muriò?
Killed him finally?
Todo lo que ha hecho Blondie ha salido bien, excepto no aparecer la noche que muriò Fennan.
Everything that Blondie's done seems to work, except that he didn't turn up on the night that Fennan died.
Pero a medida que pasaba el tiempo me acostumbré a élla y cuando muriò quedé muy solo.
But as time went on I got used to having her there and when she died I felt so lonely.
He died.
¿ Muriò aquí?
He die here?
Mi víctima hizo unas llamadas a Redding el dìa en que muriò.
My victim made a couple calls to Redding the day he got shot.
El día que muriò Randy Rhoads, murió una parte de mí.
And the day that Randy Rhoads died, that was the day a part of me died.
- El ver que reaccioné,... lo shockeò tan mal, que la mejor cosa en el mundo...... que pudo pasar, o que pudo pasarle, fue que tuvo un ataque al corazòn y muriò.
- And the minute I stood up, it just shocked him so badly, that the best thing in the world... ever happened to the world, and to him. - The guy had a heart attack and died. - Scared him so much, he died.

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