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Obviously translate English

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Obviamente tiene algún plan que todavía no tenemos claro.
He obviously has some agenda that's not clear to us yet.
Evidentemente ahora tenemos que cerrar.
Obviously, we have to lock up now.
Obviamente, hay algo muy mal en este vecindario.
Obviously, there's something very wrong with this neighborhood.
La mayoría de los grandes filósofos dirían ayudarte es inútil, que no se puede "tratar de ser bueno", especialmente cuando tus motivaciones son tan obviamente corruptas.
Most great philosophers would say helping you is pointless, that you can't try to be good, especially when your motivations are so obviously corrupt.
- Periodismo. Bueno, obviamente, me gusta escribir.
Well, obviously, I like to write.
Tenía la esperanza de que llegaras a esta conclusión por tu cuenta, pero, obviamente, nadie aquí jamás te amenazaría.
I was hoping you would come to this conclusion on your own, but, obviously, no one here would ever threaten you.
Obviamente, es imposible que algo sea más perfecto, que perfecto...
Obviously, it's impossible for something to be more perfect than perfect...
Luego, mordisqueando algo que por supuesto ni saboreaba, dijo : " Bien, tengo que contarles, porque la prensa ya viene en camino.
Then, nibbling at something she obviously wasn't tasting, she said, " Well, I've got to tell you because the press is on its way over here.
Todavía están peleando.
There's obviously still fighting going on here.
Esto parece ser una pizarra del EI porque dice : "Califato del Estado Islámico" y tiene su bandera negra.
So this looks like the Islamic State whiteboard because it says the Islamic State Caliphate own it, and obviously, the Islamic State black flag.
Y con las variantes hace el doble.
Obviously we'll find a pretext to renegotiate and double it.
Bueno, ¡ obviamente!
Well, obviously!
Obviamente están conectados debido al corazón.
They've obviously connected because of the heart.
Bueno, obviamente, ha habido tanta energía atron por todo el viejo instituto Coal que el tiempo mismo se ha desgastado.
- Well, obviously, there's been so much artron energy around good old Coal Hill that time itself has worn thin.
Obviamente un disfraz.
Obviously costume.
No ahora, claro.
Not now, obviously.
Obviamente estás... bueno, ocupada, ahora mismo.
You're obviously, um, you know, busy, now.
- Sí, no todos, obviamente.
Not all of them, obviously, but yeah.
No significa que no quiera ayudar, claro que sí. Pero hay una diferencia entre ayudar y ser usado por alguien.
Which isn't to say that I'm unwilling to help, obviously I am, but there's a difference between helping someone and being used by someone.
Bueno, obviamente, nada de eso.
Well, obviously none of that.
Claro que no puedo decirle qué debo elegir, pero creo que si me siento con él...
I mean, obviously I can't tell him what I have to choose, but I think... just... sitting down and...
Es obvio que fueron llevados al palacio de los dioses del cielo.
They were obviously raptured up to the Sky Gods'palace in Frankri-La.
Es obvio.
Duh. Obviously.
No tenemos los recursos financieros para regalarla.
'Cause we obviously don't have the financial resources to just give it away.
April está al mando, obviamente.
April's in charge, obviously.
Obviamente ha hecho algo. Una laguna.
She's obviously done something, a loophole.
No sé de dónde vino, excepto, obviamente, a través de una grieta.
I don't know where it came from, except, obviously, through a rift.
Se metió en nuestras cabezas lo suficiente como para hacer que peleemos y esta habitación obviamente solo va a hacer que nos enfademos más y más.
He's got into our heads enough to start us fighting and this room is obviously only going to make us angrier and angrier.
No puedo demostrarlo, obviamente, porque tus huellas dactilares no estaban en su caja fuerte.
Well, I can't prove that, obviously, because your fingerprints weren't on his safe.
Está claro que hubo algún tipo de metedura de pata, ¿ sí?
There's obviously been some kind - of screw-up here, okay? - Hmm.
Sí, Soph, claro que todo el mundo está alterado.
Yeah, Soph, obviously, everyone's upset.
Evidentemente está tramando algo.
I mean, obviously she's on something.
Luego, por supuesto, su padre desapareció unos años después.
Obviously, her father disappeared a few years later.
Luego, me di cuenta de que había una sola explicación.
Then afterwards, I realized there was obviously only one explanation.
Obviamente, me lo quité.
Obviously, I took it out.
- Obviamente eres tú.
Obviously, you're you.
Un hombre recibió un disparo en la cabeza en su casa. Está ocultando información, incluyendo el origen de sus dos llamadas antes de dar aviso al 911.
Sir, a man was shot in the head in your apartment, and you're obviously holding back information, including the nature of your two cell phone calls prior to your calling 911.
Claro. Regresé antes que tú.
Es obvio que tiene aliados, como ese soldado.
He obviously has confederates, like that soldier.
- Obviamente.
- Obviously.
Es obvio que no soy Bob Black.
I am obviously not Bob Black.
Obviamente tienes un buen corazón.
You obviously have a good heart.
Que es como el mío... obviamente.
Which I match... obviously.
Bueno, eso está ocurriendo hasta cierto punto, no solo en Louisiana, sino en todo el país, y es muy preocupante.
Well, obviously that is happening to some degree not just in Louisiana, but around the country, and I find it very troubling. While public schools are increasingly reliant on student loans just to cover their costs, for-profit colleges are run as businesses, and many people believe they intentionally take advantage of the loan system. Toboni :
Para hacer un trasplante de heces se necesitan heces buenas. Los donantes deben gozar de buena salud.
So in order to have a fecal transplant, obviously you need good feces, which means donors have to be of a certain level of health.
Se ve lo saludable que es por su aspecto y viéndolo correr.
You can tell obviously how healthy he is just from kinda, like, looking at him and seeing him run.
Si vas a suministrar bebida a toda la ciudad de Chicago, evidentemente, necesitas miles de empleados.
If you're gonna supply booze to the whole city of Chicago, obviously, you need thousands of employees.
Obviamente, funcionó.
Obviously, it worked.
En su campaña habló de invertir más en educación superior.
- you talked about investing more in higher education. - Yes. It's obviously something that's important to you.

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