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Translate.vc / Spanish → English / Reuniòn

Reuniòn translate English

17 parallel translation
Está en una reuniòn de la junta.
He's at a board meeting.
¿ Reuniòn de la junta?
Board meeting?
La casa està llena.Deben tener una reuniòn.
Full house. Must be having a meet.
El cual me recuerda que mañana tengo una reuniòn con Genovese y Luciano.
Which reminds me, tomorrow I have a meeting with Genovese and Luciano.
La reuniòn se canceló.
The meeting's called off.
- La reuniòn se canceló.
- The meeting's canceled.
Reuniòn suspendida.
Meeting adjourned.
¿ En que habitación se realiza la reuniòn del Sr. Shlessinger?
In which room is Mr. Shlessinger's meeting taking place?
Me temo que la reuniòn se ha terminado hace media hora, señora ahora el Sr. Shlessinger partirá hacia Whitehaven.
I am afraid the meeting finished half an hour ago, madam. Mr. Shlessinger will have left for Whitehaven by now.
- Tenemos una reuniòn.
- We've got a committee meeting.
Màs tarde, habrà una reuniòn tribal.
There's a tribal council meeting later today.
Les agradezco que me lleven a la reuniòn.
It is good of all of you to take me to the council meeting.
Tengo una reuniòn.
I have that meeting.
El traficante nos habló de una reuniòn de Cobra y un nuevo cliente.
The dealer told us about a meeting between Cobra and a new client.
Jamás vino a una jornada deportiva, una excursiòn o una reuniòn.
Never on a sports day, a school trip, a parents'evening.
Fuimos a la reuniòn y había una gran mesa de reuniones con unas 20 o 30 personas sentadas.
We go into the meeting and there's the big conference table and there must've been, I don't know, 20, 30 people in there.
- Yo querìa la reuniòn en Chicago.
- I wanted to meet in Chicago.

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