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Rosetta translate English

381 parallel translation
En casa, con mi Rosetta.
With my Rosetta.
Tienes que conocer a Rosetta.
- You must come and meet Rosetta, you've promised.
Un beso a Rosetta de parte de su tío Ernesto.
And give Rosetta a big kiss from uncle Ernesto. You'll remember that?
Muchos besos a Rosetta.
"Kiss sweet Rosetta."
Pues sí. Si no fuera por él mi Rosetta se quedaba sin padre.
If it weren't for him, my Rosetta would have been left alone.
Yo pensaba en Rosetta y seguía adelante, pero no podía más.
I was thinking at Rosetta and went forward, but I was at the end of my tether.
Me parecía ver a mi niña que me llamaba.
I fancied seeing Rosetta in that white maze, calling for me.
Llegó corriendo y me agarró. Me arrastró y me dijo : "¡ Carlo, piensa en Rosetta!".
Comes runing, takes me on his back, gets back among our mates and says :..... "Carlo, you must see again your Rosetta!".
- ¡ Rosetta, baja!
- Rosetta! Rosetta!
Carlo y Rosetta Pandelli.
Carlo and Rosetta Pandelli.
Acepten estos regalitos.
".. I ask you and Rosetta to accept these little gifts. "
Rosetta, vamos.
Rosetta, wake up.
Tú te llamas Rosetta, ¿ verdad?
And your name is Rosetta, isn't it?
¿ Cómo estás, Rosetta?
What is it, Rosetta?
No tengas miedo. No te voy a reñir.
No, you mustn't be afraid, Rosetta.
Decía : "Mira lo que me ha escrito mi Rosetta".
He said : "Look what my Rosetta has written to me".
Duerme, Rosetta.
Sleep, Rosetta.
Buenas noches, Rosetta.
Good night, Rosetta.
- ¿ Y Rosetta?
- And Rosetta?
Rosetta, la niña.
Rosetta, the little girl.
- Mi hija, iba con él.
- Rosetta, my daughter, she was with him in the car.
Adiós, Rosetta.
Bye, Rosetta.
Adiós, Rosetta.
Bye Rosetta.
- A ver a la señorita Rosetta.
- To Miss Rosetta.
¡ Rosetta!
¿ Qué ocurre, Rosetta?
What's up, Rosetta?
¡ Venga, venga, Rosetta, va!
Up... up, Rosetta, up!
Lo difícil es situar a Rosetta cuando deje el servicio.
The problem is Rosetta, where to settle her when she quits.
Ese no es un ambiente adecuado para Rosetta.
That's not a place suitable.. .. for Rosetta.
- Adiós, Rosetta.
- Ciao, Rosetta.
La Sra.. Rosetta está durmiendo ahora.
Mrs. Rosetta is sleeping now
A la Srta. Rosetta Savone, probablemente.
- Probably Rosetta Savone, come in.
Perdone, pero Rosetta es mi mejor amiga.
Rosetta is my best friend.
- ¿ Qué te pasó?
What happened, Rosetta?
Cuando me fui, Rosetta se quedó contigo.
When I left, Rosetta was with you. She wasn't!
- Nada. Rosetta se emborrachó.
Rosetta got too drunk.
Deberíamos hablar con Rosetta cuando esté mejor.
Why don't we talk to Rosetta when she feels better?
Rosetta no se tomó el Veronal para contrariarte.
She didn't take the Veronal to spite you.
Horrible. Pero antes de tomarse las pastillas anoche, Rosetta intentó telefonear a alguien varias veces.
But before swallowing those damn pills, last night Rosetta tried calling somebody several times.
Tengo que descubrir a quién llamaba Rosetta.
We need to find out whom she wanted to call.
No nos conoce ni a Rosetta ni a mí, pero sus padres no significan nada para ella.
But I can assure you that her parents mean nothing to her.
No hacemos nada malo. Es para ayudar a Rosetta.
We're not doing anything wrong, we're just helping Rosetta.
- Claro, es Rosetta.
- Of course, it's Rosetta.
Quizá Rosetta creyó que era un regalo.
Maybe Rosetta thought it was a gift.
Dice que Rosetta intentó suicidarse.
She said Rosetta tried to kill herself.
No pretendía criticar el gusto de Rosetta, pero querría saber el motivo. Cierto.
Of course.
Porque Rosetta no está precisamente interesada en ella.
- Because... if you must know, Rosetta had no affection and little friendship for her.
Ya está segura de que Rosetta y yo...
She's convinced that between Rosetta and I...
Rosetta no se mató. La maté yo.
Rosetta didn't kill herself, I killed her.
¿ Qué quieres, Rosetta?
What isit, Rosetta?
You don't know anything about Rosetta and I.

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