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- Sê que él no quiso decir eso.
Well, now he didn't mean anything by it. Didn't I?
Sê como es, los preparativos de las bodas y todo lo demás.
Oh, I know how it is, planning the wedding and everything.
Mira... ¿ Para quê presumirtanto? Sê que ya has estado aquí.
Listen... why are you doing this?
Sê que tu papá regresó.
I see your dad's back.
Sê que estuviste preso.
I know you were in jail.
Sê que te estás metiendo en algo.
- Come on, daddy. I know you're up to something.
Calma. No necesitas decirlo. Sê que tienes una hija.
Relax, I told no one where you live... and that you have a kid.
Sê listo.
Be smart.
Investiguê. Tu nombre está entre los mejores. Sê que eres bueno.
I was tracking you down... your name came up under the smart guys.
Sê que fumas. Dejê unos cigarrillos ahí. Fuma.
I know you smoke... so I got you some, they're on the counter, help yourself.
Sê que no me creerás, pero te esperé.
You don't believe it, but I waited for you.
Disculpa, Paige. Sê que duele, pero es mi precio.
I know it's heartbreaking, but that's my price.
Al ver esos agentes enloquecí. Sê que no estuvo bien.
When I saw you sent all those agents, I went crazy, which I know wasn't right.
Sê como hacer que una mujer sienta que viste ropa salida del lavadero.
I know how to make a woman feel like she's wearing laundry fresh out the dryer.
Sê por quê fuiste sobreprotector.
I know why you were so protective.
Sê que te resultó difícil mantener al Oonejo-Lobo fuera de cuadro
It was hard for you, I know, to keep the Were-Rabbit out of shot
Sê que mucha de esta edición consiste en copiar animación.
I know a lot of the editing of this is kind of naughty animation directing.
Sê que alguien probó acelerarlo en la sala de montaje, pero no funcionó.
I know someone had a go at speeding that up, that edit, in this stage, but it didn't work at all.
¡ Sê un hombre!
Where's the man in you? Huh?
Sê exactamente a quien le estoy apuntando.
I knowexactly who I'm pointing this gun at!
Sê que el dio el primer puñetazo pero no se bien como comenzó.
I know he took the first swing at you, but I don't know if that's the way to handle Tod.
Sê mejor que cualquier uno aquí, Jameson.
I know that better than any other man here.

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