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Todavia translate English

4,492 parallel translation
- Quizás están todavia en el edificio, ¿ no?
- They gotta be in the building, right?
Todavia no.
Not yet.
- ¿ Todavia sobre la boda?
- Is the wedding still on?
Mira, capaz no pueda recibir un golpe, pero todavia puedo lanzar uno.
Look, I may not be able to take a punch, but I can still throw one.
No sé qué te ha contando mi hermano, pero no he conseguido un doctorado todavia
I don't know what my brother's been telling you, but I haven't been doctoring up anything.
Todavia no es Navidad.
It's not yet Christmas
Todavia vivo.
It's still living.
todavia estamos intentando localizarle te prometo que haremos todo lo que podamos para mantener esto lo mas discreto posible.
We're still trying to locate him. I promise you we'll do everything we can to keep this as discreet as possible.
Todavia falta trabajo. ¿ Qué tal si se descompone?
What if she gets bent out of shape?
Su socio puede tenerlo todavia.
Now, her associate may still have it.
Mira, yo puedo entrar en más lugares que otros Decepticons. Pero todavia estoy adaptandome a este planeta.
You see, I make it in and out of places most Decepticons can't, but I'm still learning to navigate this planet.
Todavia no le conte a ella.
I haven't told her yet.
Todavia puedes.
You still could.
No todavia, quienquiera que haya sido se teñia el pelo por lo que la primera prueba, no fue concluyente
Not yet - - whoever it was dyed their hair, so the first test was inconclusive.
Eres hermosa, eres inteligente, tienes novio, y todavia siempre tienes que quejarte, quejarte, quejarte.
You're beautiful, you're smart, you have boyfriend, and yet you always do is complain, complain, complain.
Si todavia estuviera en Oprah, ella habría sido todo eso.
If there was still in Oprah, she would've been all over that.
¿ Todavia quieres llevarla a radiología?
Still want to take her to radiology?
No eh llegado a la linea de golpe todavia
I haven't gotten to the punch line yet.
a menos que, por supuesto todavia tengas algunos sentimientos por Ben.
Unless, of course, you still have some feelings for Ben.
- Madeleine todavia necesita 15 minutos. - Claro.
- Madeline still needs 15 minutes.
Si todavia se encuentra aqui no dejes que escape.
If he's still here, you don't let him get away.
Pero todavia no sabemos que es "Proyecto Amanecer", ¿ no?
But we still don't know what "Project Dawn," is yet, do we?
Todavia no tengo visual.
Still no visual.
Todavia no.
Uh-uh. Not yet.
Pero todavia hay espacio para algunos cuerpos mas.
But there is still room for a few more bodies.
¡ Y todavia hay mas que no me cuentas!
And I still think there's more you're not telling me!
No sabia que todavia lo querias.
I didn't know you still wanted it.
¡ Claro que todavia lo quiero!
Of course I still want it!
No, todavia no.
No, not yet.
Oh, Estoy seguro Ella todavia te ama
Oh, I'm sure she still loves you.
- Todavia no.
- Not yet.
Pero no todavia!
But not yet!
Pero anoche... es sólo que todo esto es tan nuevo y todo está pasando tan rápido que... Y todavia nos as pasado con a tu humano
But last night- - it's just this is all so new and everything's happening so fast and- - and you're still not quite over your human.
Todavia no.
Not just yet.
Todavia esta Strauss alli?
Is Strauss still there?
No es todavia de día.
It's still not morning.
Todavia tenemos el Buy More, y - y todavia me tenemos a mi.
We still have the Buy More, and-and we still have me.
Esto todavia es un equipo, todavia podemos hacerlo.
This is still a team. We can still do this.
- No lo se todavia.
- I don't know yet.
Espera, tu todavia eres Vivienne, ¿ correcto?
Wait, you are still Vivienne, right?
Detesto molestarte, pero, ¿ Está la guarderia abierta todavia?
I hate to bother you, but, uh, is the nursery still open?
porque no ha encontrado nada todavia
'Cause of course she hasn't found one yet.
Todavia me salgo con la mia en un asesinato.
I still get away with murder.
Si quieres solo escuchame, pero todavia no lo haces.
If you would just listen to me, but you still don't.
Conseguimos los videos de seguridad del hospital, pero todavia no ha salido en ninguna base de datos
We got stills from hospital security, but he hasn't turned up on any database.
No. todavia no tenemos los centros de mesa.
No. We don't have our centerpieces yet.
Cree que todavia estoy muy enojada, y eso no es bueno para mi sistema inmunologico.
He thinks I'm still very, very angry and that it's not good for my immune system.
Dave está todavia intentando localizar a las familias.
Dave's still trying to locate the families.
Asi que podemos exponer al CEO de "Good Cheer" antes que "Good Cheer" haga su presentación para Heartfelt el vienes, entonces, cuando todavia le ofrece sufiente cobertura para seguir con la compra, no?
So if we can expose the CEO of Good Cheer before Good Cheer does their presentation for Heartfelt on Friday, then that still gives them enough cover to go ahead with the buyout, doesn't it?
Porque todavia tengo esperanza.
Because I still have hope.
¿ Quieres decir que todavia no lo ha visto?
You mean, he hasn't seen it yet?

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