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Translate.vc / Spanish → English / Tuá

Tuá translate English

147 parallel translation
Una, doli, tuá, de, lali, menta.
Eeny meeny miney moe, catch a tiger by the toe.
Oso, fete, colorete, una, do, li... tuá.
My mother says to pick this one and out goes y-o-U.
¿ Por qué no hacemos una, doli, tuá?
Why don't we do eeny meeny?
- Hagamos una, doli, tuá.
- Let's do eeny meeny.
- Preferiría hacer una, doli, tuá.
- I think I'd rather do eeny meeny.
- Haremos una, doli, tuá.
- We'll do eeny meeny miney moe.
¿ Listo para una, doli, tuá? - Sí.
Are you ready to do eeny meeny?
Hagamos una, doli, tuá.
Let's just do eeny meeny.
Una, doli, tuá, de, lalí, menta.
Eeny meeny miney moe, catch a tiger by the toe.
Una, doli... tuá.
My mother says to pick this one and out goes y-o-U.
Ipse.. tua... stella.
Ipse.. tua... stella.
Esta si tua en no puede seguir.
Our fears must end!
You "take" la tua STRIT, no te podés EQUIVOCA.
You "take" this street, you can't SBAGLIE'( sbagliare = make a mistake ).
¿ Por qué le dejas quitarte la corbata?
Perche'gli lasci prendere la-tua cravatta?
Pertenece al grupo Tua.
That's in the Tua group.
Gracias, Tua.
Thank you, Tua.
... sed pro tua pietate prosit mihi ad..
... sed pro tua pietate prosit mihi ad..
Hablad, cantad. Tuya, solamente tuya...
Tua, only your...
el pan nuestro de cada día danosle hoy...
Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in Terra.
Mors tua, vita mea.
Mors tua, vita mea.
# Se un segreto dolor # fa tremar la tua mano # questo tango d'amor fa tremare il mio cuor, oh violino tzigano.
¤ If a secret pain... ¤ makes your hand tremble... ¤ this tango of love makes my heart tremble, oh gypsy violinist. ¤
- ¿ Qué significa eso?
Khor santiseek chong mee kas prachachen tua lak. - What does that mean?
Si conoces el proverbio Latino, "Mors tua vita mea"...
If you understood the Latin sa ying, "Mors tua vita mea" you would understand why I did it.
Lucifer... et in ejus fili Belcebú... fiat voluntas tua...
Lucifer... et in ejus fill Belcebú... fiat voluntas tua...
Muerte tuya, vida mia.
Mors tua, vita mea.
Benedic, Domine, nobis... et his donis tuis quae de tua gratia... et munificentia sumus iam sumpturi.
Benedic, Domine, nobis... et his donis tuis quae de tua gratia... et munificentia sumus iam sumpturi.
Tenés tua prioridades entonces.
You've got your priorities then.
TUA 35, desciendan a 1000 metros.
TUA 35 heavy, descend to 3,000 feet.
Recibido, TUA 35.
Roger, TUA 35 heavy.
TUA 35, ¿ puede darnos su posición?
TUA 35 heavy, could you give me your location?
- TUA 35, cambien rumbo a...
TUA 35, turn to heading...
Minneápolis, habla TUA 35. Tenemos una emergencia. Chocamos contra otro avión.
Minneapolis, this is TUA 35 declaring an emergency.
La tua casa?
- Um... la tua casa?
- Quomodo tua Latinitas est?
- Quomodo tua Latinitas est?
Benedic, Dominus... nos et haec tua dona.
Benedic, Dominus... nos et haec tua dona.
Es que finalmente nos deshacemos de tu hermana y sólo quieres hablar del ¿ big bang?
é que finalmente vimo-nos livre da tua irmã esquisita... It's just that we finally get rid of your weird sister and all you can talk about is the big bang?
Benedic nobis deus omnipotens et ex donis quae ex liberalitate tua sumpturi sumus, per Iesum Christum Dominum Nostrum. Amen.
Benedic nobis deus omnipotens et his donis quae ex liberalitate tua sumpturi sumus, per Iesum Christum Dominum Nostrum.
- Tua y Charlotte?
Yours and Charlotte's?
Porti la tua bella moglie qui e non da noi a Matcham?
You bring your pretty wife here and not to us at Matcham?
Mag, la tua idea è quella di riallinearci? Il Principe e me da una parte, e Charlotte e te dall'altra?
So, Mag, is it your idea then to realign us - the Prince and myself on one side, and Charlotte and you on the other?
Ora torna dentro e sta con tua moglie, va fidati di me io so quello che faccio! Davvero?
Come on, trust me, I know what I'm doing.
Che tuo marito e la tua matrigna portano avanti una tresca giorno dopo giorno nella casa tua e di tuo padre?
Your husband and your stepmother have been intriguing, day after day, in your house and in your father's?
Non sopporto l'idea che la tua collezione... che i tuoi tesori vengano sepolti laggiù
I couldn't bear to think of your collection... all your treasures, to be buried out there.
Tua moglie!
Your wife!
Mio marito parla solo con tua moglie lo sai questo!
My husband speaks only to your wife, you know that.
Ha detto niente di noi 2 tua moglie?
Has she said anything to you about us?
Roja Durana Tua Teenan, Capitán. Ése es un saludo tradicional en la mañana de Agosoria.
Captain, that is a traditional greeting on the morning of Agosoria.
Tua migos se preocupan por ti.
Your friends care about you.
Cuando tú estás listo, ellos salen y hablan sobre lo que túa has dicho.
When you have finished talking they come out, and discuss what you've talked about.
# Vis tua evanescet. # Desaparece tu poder. # ¡ Potestas generis tenuit! # ¡ Todo tu poder se debilita!
Una, doli, tuá.
Eeny meeny miney moe.

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