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Winehouse translate English

82 parallel translation
Voy a parecerme a Amy Winehouse.
I'm gonna go out there looking like Amy Winehouse.
Ésta es una foto de Amy Winehouse sacando la basura.
They even helped keep me up on current events. And here's a picture of Amy Winehouse taking out the trash.
Si ois que Amy Winehouse está tomando tragos de vodka con el principe Harry, ¡ publicadlo!
If you hear Amy Winehouse is out snorting'vodka shots with Prince Harry, run with it!
¿ Amy Winehouse?
Amy Winehouse?
Amy Winehouse vino a mí en sueños después de yo luchar contra un gladiador.
Amy Winehouse came to me in my dreams after I fought an American Gladiator.
Vamos. ¿ La adicta al crack Winehouse?
Come on. Crackhead Winehouse?
Si a Amy Winehouse me tiré
I'm fucking Amy Winehouse?
Se tira a Amy Winehouse
He's fucking Amy Winehouse
Como si no supiera que parezco Amy Winehouse antes de la rehabilitación.
As if I didn't know I look like Amy Winehouse, pre-rehab.
Es como si Rush Limbaugh se acostara con Amy Winehouse, - y hicieran huevas de ti.
It's like Rush Limbaugh fornicated with Amy Winehouse, and they spawned you.
No ha habido tantos ex-convictos en un solo lugar desde que Naomi Campbell almorzó con Amy Winehouse.
There haven't been this many ex-cons in one place since Naomi Campbell had lunch with Amy Winehouse.
Eso es como preguntarle a Amy Winehouse si quiere otro trago.
That's like asking Amy Winehouse if she wants another drink.
Si, puedes decir "no, no, no" todo lo que quieras, Sr Winehose.
Yeah, you can say "no, no, no" all you want, Miss winehouse.
Es como si Amy Winehouse dijera que vayas a rehabilitación.
That's like Amy Winehouse telling you to go to rehab.
Yo era un serio ejecutivo discográfico acompañando a Amy Winehouse.
I was a concerned record company executive chaperoning Amy Winehouse.
y entonces, ¿ Conseguiste a tu amiga Amy Winehouse?
So did you ever find Winehouse?
Quiero decir, esta es Adele, no Amy Winehouse.
I mean, this is adele, not amy winehouse. ( cell phone rings )
Vamos, Amy Winehouse.
Come on, Amy Winehouse.
¿ Como decae Amy Winehouse? No se si gritando a los Paparazzi es bastante rapida.
Like Amy Winehouse slip? I don't know if screaming at paparazzi is quite her speed.
hemos salido una vez oh, ya me parecía que esta tia estaba tan loca como Amy Winehouse qué pasó en la cita?
We went out once! Oh, I had a feeling that girl was amy winehoe bat-ass crazy. What happened on the date?
Walter se va de gira con Amy Winehouse, Bobby Brown y Courtney Love.
Eres una horrible versión de Amy Winehouse.
You're a fraud. - You're the fucked-up version of Amy Winehouse..
Eres una horrible versión de Amy Winehouse.
You look like a fucked-up version of Amy Winehouse..
- Cual amigo, Amy Winehouse? - Espera.
What friend, Amy Winehouse?
¿ Acaso Amy Winehouse se pellizca mucho?
Does Amy Winehouse pick at her skin a lot?
Esta escuela está más fuera de control que el cabello de Amy Winehouse.
Than amy winehouse's hair.
¿ Dejar que Amy Winehouse les escupa en la boca o comerse un pedazo crudo del trasero de Anderson Cooper?
Let Amy Winehouse spit in your mouth... or eat a raw slice of Anderson Cooper's ass?
Ella podría estar luciendo como Amy Winehouse,
She could be looking up to Amy Winehouse,
"Back to Black" de Amy Winehouse.
Amy Winehouse's "Back to Black."
Yo en realidad sólo copié el obituario de Amy Winehouse.
I kind of actually just copied Amy winehouse's obituary.
Amy Winehouse ya murió
Amy Winehouse since died
Y entonces mi madre flipó porque tenía miedo de que yo también fuera a morir, como Amy Winehouse o algo.
And then my mom freaked out on me because she was afraid that I was going to die too, like Amy Winehouse or something.
Realmente disfruté el hecho que elegiste una canción de Amy Winehouse y realmente la hiciste tuya, el... Me encantó.
Right off the bat, I really enjoyed the fact that you chose an Amy winehouse song and really made it your own, the... * Tried to make me go to rehab * Like, I loved that.
Es como si hicieras una versión inspirada en la versión de Amy Winehouse.
It's like y'all did a stax version of a motown-inspired Amy winehouse song.
La prensa está reportando que la cantante Amy Winehouse fue encontrada muerta en su apartamento en Londres.
Press association is reporting that singer Amy Winehouse has been found dead in her London apartment.
Cobain, Winehouse, es buena compañia.
Cobain, Winehouse, it's... It's good company.
Sí, dicen que tendrá una sobredosis como Amy Winehouse.
You know, they say Dad's gonna OD like Amy Winehouse.
Él trabajó con Amy Winehouse.
He worked with Amy Winehouse.
"Sabea que no soy buena" de Amy Winehouse.
"You know I'm no good" by Amy Winehouse.
Es del estilo de lo que hacía Amy Winehouse.
That's some Amy Winehouse shit.
Amy Winehouse me chupa el pico.
Amy Winehouse sucks my cock.
Espera, ¿ está Amy Winehouse contigo?
Hold on... Isn't that Amy Winehouse with you?
Amy Winehouse.
Amy Winehouse.
Saben, no superé lo de Amy Winehouse.
You know, I'm not over Amy Winehouse.
Él dice que ella tiene un aire a Amy Winehouse.
He says that she has an Amy Winehouse vibe.
Dios, ¿ de dónde ha sacado a Amy Winehouse?
Jesus, where did he get Amy Winehouse from?
- Sra. Amy Winehouse.
- Mrs. Amy Winehouse.
En otras palabras, la señora Amy Winehouse.
In other words, Mrs. Amy Winehouse.
Soy Amy Winehouse.
I'm Amy Winehouse.
- y celebran salvajemente?
And partying winehouse-style?

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