/ Spanish → English / You
You translate English
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Tú eres el único que puede detenerme.
You're the only one who can stop me.
Así que tú escribiste las invitaciones.
So, it was you who wrote the invitations.
Al fin te has dado cuenta de que era yo.
You finally realized it was me.
Lo supe al darme cuenta de que me habías mentido.
I knew when I realized that you had lied to me.
¿ Lo has visto en Internet?
Did you find that on the Internet?
Y tú me dijiste que lo habías buscado.
But even so, you said you looked it up.
Ojalá lo hubieras averiguado un poco antes. Esas dos no habrían muerto.
If only you had figured it out a little bit sooner, those two may not have died.
¿ Por qué lo has hecho?
Why did you do this?
¿ Tú qué crees, Michima?
What do you think, Mr. Michima?
No se le puede poner precio a la vida.
You can't put a price on life.
Midori, Yuki, ¿ habéis leído las novelas de Michi?
Midori and Yuki, have you read any of Michi's novels?
Antes me has mentido, ¿ verdad?
You lied earlier, didn't you?
Dijiste que nunca habías leído las novelas de Michi.
You said you've never read any of Michi's books.
Dime quién eres exactamente.
Tell me. Who exactly are you?
Te encantaría saberlo.
I bet you'd like to know.
¿ A qué has venido a esta casa?
What have you come here to do?
Tú dejaste la puerta abierta aquel día.
It was you who unlocked the front door that day.
¿ No pensaste que el culpable podía estar dentro de la casa?
Didn't you think the real culprit could have been inside the house?
¿ Lo hiciste para vender mis novelas?
You did it to make my novels sell?
¿ Mataste a Nanaka y a Minami solo por eso?
You had Nanaka and Minami killed for that?
Michima, según parece, tienes talento como escritor.
Mr. Michima... it seems that you actually have talent as a novelist.
Nunca pensé que ganarías un premio.
I never imagined you would win an award.
Aunque, ahora que lo pienso, no conoces la verdadera identidad de Hitomi Tsukamoto.
Come to think of it, you don't know about... Hitomi Tsukamoto's true identity.
Fue fácil conseguir que hiciera cosas por ti.
So, it was easy to get her to do things for you.
Me alegro mucho por ti.
I'm so happy for you.
Siempre has querido tener éxito, ¿ no?
You've always wanted to be successful, right?
¿ Eso también fue cosa tuya?
Were you behind all that, too?
Tienes que estar de broma.
You can't be serious.
Tengo muchas ganas de ver cómo da vida a la novela del señor Hanaki.
Sir, I'm looking forward to seeing how you visualize Mr. Hanaki's novel.
Sabía que podíamos contar con usted.
I knew I could count on you.
Con estas tres cosas, el éxito está asegurado.
If you've got these three, you'll always have a hit.
No podría estar más de acuerdo.
I couldn't agree with you more.
Tiene toda la razón.
You're absolutely right.
Se nota que son genios.
You can tell they're geniuses.
Sé que hará un gran trabajo con La teoría mundial.
I can trust that you'll do a good job with World Theory.
¿ Por qué yo?
Why did you choose me?
Cuando busqué información, vi que tu padre cumplía condena.
When I researched you, I found out your father was on death row.
¿ No te parece un juego interesante?
Don't you think that sounds like an interesting game?
¿ Por eso enviaste las invitaciones?
Is that why you sent those invitations to them?
Se necesitan amigos para jugar.
You need friends if you want to play.
Elegí mujeres apropiadas para ti y las traje a tu casa.
I selected women appropriate for you, and had them come to your home.
Por último, conseguí convertirte en lo que eres ahora.
Ultimately, I ended up making what you are now.
Vamos a la policía ahora mismo.
You and I are going to the police now.
Michima, parece que no lo entiendes, pero, si tienes dinero y buenos contactos, no hay casi nada que no puedas hacer.
Mr. Michima, it appears you do not understand this, but if you have money and reliable contacts, there's almost nothing you can't do.
Me pregunto por qué a tu padre lo ejecutaron justo en ese momento. ¿ Tú no?
I wonder why your father's execution happened when it did, don't you?
¿ También fue cosa tuya?
You did that too?
Te he traído esto.
I got this for you.
Si no me matas, mataré a las dos que quedan.
If you don't kill me now... I'll kill the other two who are left.
Tú decides.
You're the one who must decide.
No dejaré que mates a nadie.
I won't let you kill anyone.
Recuperaré mis fuerzas y te pediré que nos acostemos.
I'll get my courage up again and ask you to sleep with me, okay?