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Translate.vc / Spanish → English / Àha

Àha translate English

8 parallel translation
ÀHa dicho todo lo que ten'a que decir?
Does that about get it all said?
ÀHa conseguido una grœa para mi coche?
Did he get my truck towed?
ÀHa llevado al mariquita suicida?
Did he transport that suicidal fruit?
ÀHa muerto?
Did he die?
- ÀHa muerto?
- Did he die?
ÀHa llamado alguien a Mitch?
Has anybody called Mitch?
ÀHa estado esperando mucho tiempo?
Have you been waiting a long time?
En los documentos que están aquí en este pendrive, Àha participado en su elaboración alguna otra persona al margen de usted?
The documents which are on this pen drive, has anyone else taken part in producing them?

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