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¡ Y arrastrando a las vacas fuera de los lodazales!
# And drug them cow from out the sloughs #
Arrastraba a las vacas fuera de los lodazales
# He drug them cow from out the sloughs #
Desde ahora tendréis un santo como cartero y buhonero.
From now on you'll have a saint as your postal worker and peddler.
- ¿ De dónde sois?
Hey, hangi bölüktensiniz? what regiment are you guys from?
From Hell to Texas ( Kana Susayanlar )
Pero Saratov se me hizo antipático, desde la primera semana.
But I hated Saratov from the first week.
This too has happened from that, and that, too. (? )
Emin olun öylesi çok daha...
# A bolt from the blue
# Aşk korkutucu olabilir # Gökten bir yıldırım
# A bolt from the blue
# Gökten bir yıldırım
La única razón de comenzar una guerra sería de arrancarla de las manos de su marido.
Their only reason to start a war would be to kidnap you from your husband's side.
Váyanse de San Miguel lo mas lejos posible.
Get as far away from San Miguel as possible.
Un "Gordon of the Empire of Aura" del 35.
Elimde bir tane "Gordon of the Empire of Auca from 35." var.
Vas a perderla. Me haré el favor de llevármela lejos de ti, si.
You're going to lose, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl l'll make a point of taking her away from you
Vas a perderla, Me haré el favor de llevármela lejos de ti, si.
You're going to lose, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl l'll make a point of taking her away from you
Es Raja, el famoso tigre devorador curede hombres que escapó del zoo esta mañana. - ¡ Así es!
lt's Raja, the famous Bengal man-eater who escaped from the zoo this morning.
Todo lo que hay que hacer, es cantar la I "Oda a la Alegría" de la 9ª sinfonía de Beethoven.
- Don't worry, he's harmless. All you have to do is sing Beethoven's Ode to Joy from the 9th symphony.
Pero desde hoy tengo a alguien nuevo. No soy un tonto y no tomo lo que no quiero.
But as from today, well l've got somebody that's new l ain't no fool and l don't take what l don't want
Pero desde hoy he visto alguien nuevo. No soy un tonto y no tomo lo que no quiero.
But as from today, well l've seen somebody that's new l ain't no fool and l don't take what l don't want
- Destilado de esencia de orquídeas.
- Distilled from the essence of orchids.
- Destilado de esencia...
- Distilled from the essence...
¿ Destilado de esencia de orquídeas que crecen solo en lugares remotos?
Not distilled from the essence of orchids found only in certain recesses?
Una sola palabra de aviso tuya y morirás inmediatamente.
One word of warning from you and you die instantly.
Líbrame de la ira y purifícame
# Save from wrath and make me pure
Alabemos a Dios, de quien Todas las bendiciones provienen
# Praise God, from whom all blessings flow
- ¡ Unos oficiales de Odawara!
- Some officers from Odawara.
De tu herido...
"From thy wounded..."
Una brisa suave de la Montaña Dormilona
# # A gentle breeze from Hushabye Mountain
Mira cómo tu barco Desde la Montaña Dormilona
# # And watch your boat from Hushabye Mountain
Va a la vela lejos De la Bahía Arrullo
# # Sail far away from Lullaby Bay
Te dicen lo que son Desde el principio
# # Tell you what they are right from the start
Porque de las cenizas
# # For up from the ashes, up from the ashes
De las cenizas del desastre Crecen las rosas del éxito
# # From the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success - Ama o yüzmesini istiyor.
Oh, sí Entonces de las cenizas
- # # Then up from the ashes - # # Up from the ashes
♪ But it may come three, two, one, two or jump from nine to five ♪
# Ama 3, 2, 1, 2 de olabilir Veya atlarız 9'dan 5'e
Vendremos de las colinas y desde las llanuras
- ¶ Shouting the battle cry of freedom ¶ - ¶ We will rally from the hillside ¶ - ¶ We'll gather from the plain ¶
One gets the impression from such reports esa propaganda alemana era bastante abierta en su prejuicio racial, y a menudo implicaba que esa disciplina y estructura alemana eran cualidades necesarias para limpiar lo que era considerado como "el desastre francés".
Alman propagandasının ırkla ilgili ön yargılarında son derece açık ve sık sık Alman disiplininin ve yapısının "Fransız pisliği" ni temizlemek için gerekli vasıfları olduğunu ima ettiğini insan bu raporlardan anlıyordu.
And the young girls eat their mother's meat from tubes of plasticon
Genç kızlar annelerinin etini plastik tüplerden içerler.
"I can't see why you called a friend from the other side."
"I can't see why you called a friend from the other side."
"... a long way from home. "
"... a long way from home. "
"... a long, long, long way, way from home. "
"... a long, long, long way, way from home. "
"... and I can call him up from my heart... "
"... and I can call him up from my heart... "
"From San Diego up to Maine..."
"From San Diego up to Maine..."
- ¡ Quiero a Mamá!
- I want Mama! - Come away from the door.
Sí, sí
# # Till up from the ashes
Hasta que de las cenizas
# # Up from the ashes
"... and I can call him up from my heart. "
"... and I can call him up from my heart. "
"From you, I get opinions."
"From you, I get opinions."
"From you, I get the story."
"From you, I get the story."
"From behind you, I see the millions."
"From behind you, I see the millions."

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