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Nosotros no empleamos el término "tropa", papi. pero podemos hacer que tiemble California.
ben kendimizi eski adamlar diye cağırdımız için bilmiyorum... but we're plenty able to keep half of California in a cold sweat.
Esteban, despliega tus hombres alrededor de la casa.
Esteban, spread your men around the house. Keep your eyes open.
Oh, I keep, ¿ Quieres tomar... me llevan a él?
Onun yanına götürür müsünüz beni?
♪ Not back so we can keep it but back in time and space ♪
# Sözümüzde dururuz ama Kim bilir hangi zamanda
So remember who you say you are and keep your noses clean.
İşte bu yüzden kim olduğunuzu unutmayın ve pis işlere bulaşmayın.
"Haven't got sick once, probably keep us both alive."
"Haven't got sick once, probably keep us both alive."
"Still I go keep on feeling, why?"
"Still I go keep on feeling, why?"
" I pray the Lord my soul to keep
Tanrı'na ruhunu korumak için dua et
- I keep travelin' And I'm sad Buddy, Buddy, ¿ cómo era?
* Seyahat ediyorum * * ve hüzünlüyüm * Buddy, Buddy, hangisi?
# River Keep on flowing
* Nehri akar devamlı *
"Keep A-Goin"'!
"Keep A-Goin"!
# Keep a-goin'
* Devam et *
# Bait your hook and keep a-tryin'
* Zokayı yemle ve denemeye devam et *
# So just help me keep from
* Yardım et bana *
# And just help me keep from
* Yardım et bana *
# Just help me keep from
* Yardım et bana *
# I find it hard to keep my head
* Güçlük çekiyorum kafamı toplamakta *
La presión del mar nos ayudará a situarnos sobre él hasta que las escotillas se abran...
Sea pressure will keep us seated on her, allowing the hatches of both vessels to be opened -
Yo también.
# Come on, let's keep movin'Don't you lose no ground #
- Pues " Keep on Rockin'".
- Öyleyse "Keep on Rockin" i atalım.
~ But I was gonna change that, I'm not if you keep doing things I don't
But l wasgonna change that, l'm not ifyou keep doing things ldon't
~ But I was gonna change my mind if you keep doing things I don't
But l wasgonna change my mind ifyou keep doing things ldon't
~ Keep them dogies rollin'
Keep them dogies rollin'
~ Keep giving all the love you can
Keep giving all the loveyou can
~ And show the world you love him 7 ~ Keep giving all the love you can
Andshowthe worldyou love him Keep giving all the loveyou can
¿ Sigue Adelante?
Keep It Going?
# Ruiseñores, mantenemos nuestras velas #
# Nightingales, we keep our sails # Bülbüller, biz yelkenlerimizi tutan
Keep it simple.
Basit olsun.
Toda la noche vamos a cavar Haibó, haibó, haibó
* * We'll keep on digging all night long Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, heigh-ho * * *
"Te mantiene flaco hasta la muerte"
"It'll keep you lean Till your dying day"
- La campana de lagrimas se mantiene fluyendo.
Sigo pensando en el hospital.
I keep thinking about the hospital.
Oh God bless you and keep you, dejar Mother... "
Tanrı seni korusun, sevgili annem.
Es sorprendente que la acusada, en los últimos años, haya sabido cómo seguir dando discursos incendiarios, sin encontrársela culpable de cometer crimen alguno.
Sanık son yılların en şaşırtıcı sanığıdır, known how to keep making inflammatory speeches, üstelik bir suç işlemeden, suçlu olmadan.
Solo son para que puedas pagar el préstamo... And the human dribble-Glass here can keep his job.
Öyle gözüküyor ki, krediyi geri ödeyebilirsen şurdaki, akıtan bardak kılıklı insan müsvettesi de, mesleğinde kalacak.
Mira, alcornoque, no porque tú seas un miserable tenemos que ir todos por ahí con cara de funeral.
Beni dinle Bademciği Hastalıklı Herif, sen acıdan kıvranma diye bizler Keep Death Off The Road gibi görünmek zorunda değiliz.
Solo son para que puedas pagar el préstamo... and the human dribble-glass here can keep his job.
Öyle gözüküyor ki, krediyi geri ödeyebilirsen şurdaki, akıtan bardak kılıklı insan müsvettesi de, mesleğinde kalacak.
Sigue así, y luego "Asesinato", dice
# Keep it up like this and then "Murder", he says
No lo se, Pero te mantendré informado.
Bilmiyorum, ama I'll keep you posted, okay?
It's his addiction To keep you face to face You're just a prisoner
bu onun tutkunlugu seni yuzyuze tutmak sadece bir esirsiniz onun sans oyununda... baska bir hakem, seytanin dansi icin...
- To keep you face to face - Face to Face Here's your invitation
- sizi yuzyuze tutmak - yuzyuze iste davetiyeniz
No puedo poner a Boca de Fuego... junto a Terror Verde cuando están desovando.
Can't keep Firemouth with Green Terror... when they're spawning.
No deje entrar a las patrullas.
Keep the patrols out.
Hubo un tiempo que usted tendría luchado por mantenerlo apartado de un juego.
There was a time you'd have to fight to keep him out of a game.
Le ayudará a mantener las fuerzas.
It'll keep your strength up.
Tranquilízate, mujer.
Keep your head, lady.
fue una pesadilla sólo por este estúpido'Keep on truckin'( sigue en la onda ).
Şu salak "Asla pes etme!" lafı yüzünden kabus gibi günler geçirdim.
Debo ir a Cassidy Keep.
Cassidy satosu'na gitmeliyim.
- Keep it.
- Senin olsun!
# You just keep on keepin'on the road that you choose #
Keep these.

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