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Lose translate Turkish

119 parallel translation
"Vas a perder a esa chica".
"You're going to lose that girl".
Vas a perder a esa chica. Si no la invitas esta noche, va a cambiar de opinión.
You're going to lose that girl, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl lf you don't take her out tonight
Vas a perder a esa chica. Si no la tratas bien, amigo mío, vas a darte cuenta que se ha ido.
You're going to lose that girl, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl lf you don't treat her right my friend
Vas a perderla. Me haré el favor de llevármela lejos de ti, si.
You're going to lose, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl l'll make a point of taking her away from you
Vas a perderla, Me haré el favor de llevármela lejos de ti, si.
You're going to lose, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl l'll make a point of taking her away from you
Vas a perder a esa chica.
You're going to lose, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl
♪ You like to dance, we like to sing So let's all lose our minds ♪
# Siz seversiniz dansı, bizse şarkıları Kopalım öyleyse hep birlikte
"... what have you got to lose? "
"... what have you got to lose? "
"What have you got to lose?"
"What have you got to lose?"
"What have I got to lose?"
"What have I got to lose?"
Win or lose you've got to get your share
Kazan ya da kaybet, sana düşeni almak zorundasın.
¿ y podemos no darnos cuenta de lo que perdemos continuamente con los años?
And can we not perceive what we lose unceasingly with the years?
- Rocks don't lose their shape
- Kayalar şekillerini kaybetmezler
Tengo el blues de Estambul el blues de Estambul me condenaron a 30 años ya todo lo perdí...
Got the old lstanbul blues lstanbul blues they give me 30 years ain't got nothing left to lose...
Yo también.
# Come on, let's keep movin'Don't you lose no ground #
~ Tryin'to make people lose their mind Now, be careful you don't lose yours
Tryin'to makepeople lose theirmind Now, be carefulyou don't loseyours
Los instrumentos de cuerda comenzaron con "Fácil de Amar" y yo comencé a tocar "Si te perdiera".
Yaylılar, Easy to Love'ın introsuna girdiler. Ama ben If I Should Lose You'yu çalmaya başladım.
Because you've got one you'll never lose
# Çünkü her zaman elinin altındaydım
Perder las armas.
Lose silahlar.
Though we never thought that we could lose There's no regret
Kaybedeceğimizi hiç düşünmediysek de hiç pişmanlık yok.
# Siempre la trato con respeto # Nunca la abuse # ella es tan rara # que no quiero perderla.
~ Always treat her with respect I never would abuse her ~ ~ What she's got is hard to find and I don't want to lose her ~
Cualquiera sea el camino escogido, al final se pierde algo.
Whichever path they choose, they lose something.
You took your hand off the van. You lose.
Elini minibüsten çektin, kaybettin.
O Win, Lose or Draw.
- Veya "Win, Lose or Draw" ı.
# # Pierdes el control # #
# You lose your grip ( Kendini kaybediyorsun ) #
# # Nosotros nunca... nunca tendremos que volver a perderlo # #
# We'll never ( Bir daha asla ) # # We'll never have to lose it again ( Bir daha asla kaybetmemeliyiz ) #
Si lose
Evet, hatırlıyorum.
Lose soy una estupida.
Biliyorum çok salağım.
Hemos Clint Eastwood en "Averyways But Lose" Meryl Streep, en "Entre Dos Amores" ; Estamos en buen camino.
"Asla Yenilme" filminde Clint Eastwood, sonra "Benim Afrikam" dilminde Meryl Streep.
Vas a perder a esa chica.
You're going to lose that girl, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl
Vas a perder a esa chica.
You're going to lose that girl You're going to lose that girl, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl
- Biliyorum.
But I suddenly lose control
No, losé.
Ya losé.
Pensé que nunca perderíamos.
Though I never thought that we could lose
¡ Losé todo!
Her şeyi biliyorum!
- Losé.
- Biliyorum.
¡ No sabe lo que dice! Sí, losé.
Neden söz ettiğini bilmiyorsun.
Losé, losé.
- Biliyorum.
- Losé.
Bundan eminim.
Losé, pero harías una comparación entre los matrimonios.
- Bir evlilik kıyaslaması yapabilirsin.
No losé.
Ah, no losé... neuróticos.
Bilmiyorum duygusalllaştım. Gerçekten aptalca.
No losé, Carl.
Kaybetme, Carl.
- No losé, ¿ cómo voy a saberlo?
- Bilmiyorum. Nereden bileyim?
¡ Lo sé! ¡ Losé!
- Losé, Sara.
Biliyorum Sara.

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