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Translate.vc / Spanish → Turkish / Might

Might translate Turkish

138 parallel translation
Eso presenta algunos importantes inconvenientes.
Might be a couple of big fat drawbacks to that.
- Separémonos.
- Lf we scatter, some of us might make it.
Un día puede cambiar mucho.
A day might make the difference.
- Creo que esta no es la llave.
- l think it might be the wrong key.
♪ We might tell you one thing but we'd only take it back ♪
# Size de lafımız vardı ama Vazgeçtik söylemekten
"... but we might even leave the U.S.A. "
"... but we might even leave the U.S.A. "
# You might say that I ain't free #
* Diyebilirsin, özgür değilsin *
# You might say I ain't free
* Diyebilirsin, özgür değilsin *
Your new face might start to run
Yeni yüzün erimeye başlayabilir
Si no fuera por ti, todavía estaría colgado de ese palo... con miedo a vivir.
# Don't you carry nothin'that might be a load # # Come on, ease on down ease on down, down the road # # Pick your left foot up when your right one's down #
Piensa en tu hogar.
# Don't you carry nothin'that might be a load #
# Cuando pienso en mi hogar # # pienso en un lugar # # donde el amor flota. #
# Don't you carry nothin'that might be a load # # Come on, ease on down ease on down, down the road # #'Cause there may be times when you wish you wasn't born #
Don't be scared of what might come of this
Bunun sonuçlarından korkma
- A slide rule might be better (!
Kaydırma kuralı daha çok işe yarardı.
No, el otro. Yose-might.
Hayır, başka bir kaya olmalı.
I might be weak, child
# Ben zayıf olabilirim, çocuğum
Porque un día no se podrán escapar
"Because one day" "you might not slide"
¿ Puedo tener unas palabras con Ud, señor?
Might I have a few words?
Así es toda esta maldita guerra Podría haberse acabado después de una batalla más y mis muchachos de Virginia se habrían perdido mucho de ella.
That this whole damn war might be over after one more battle and my Virginia boys will have missed most of it.
Si intentamos otra unión tan pronto, tal vez no sobreviva.
If we attempt another joining so soon, it might not survive.
Me hubiera pasado la vida como un hombre mediocre soñando en lo que podría haber sido.
I would have spent my life a mediocre man, only dreaming about what might have been.
# Tu podrías querer cantarla nota por nota
# You might want to sing it note for note
Si separas a un hombre de su TV durante la ola de calor... you might as well pack up the canned goods and just head for the basement.
You take away a man's TV during the heat wave... you might as well pack up the canned goods and just head for the basement.
"Cómo ríen los vientos, ríen con todas sus fuerzas..." "ríen y ríen durante todo el día que pasa."
How the winds are laughing, they laugh with all their might... laugh and laugh the whole day through...
A la manera Americana. En Dyno Might, nos esforzamos por la excelencia.
Dyno Might Fişek Şirketi olarak, kendimizi mükemmelliğe adadık.
Deberías cuidarte bien.
You might want to take good care of yourself.
Podrán tener ALICE : They might get the big raises and the party atmosphere... pero nunca conocerán la satisfacción que proviene del verdadero trabajo duro.
Zam ve parti atmosferi yaratabilirler, ama çok çalışarak elde edilen tatmini hiç tadamayacaklar.
# And make the best of what might seem Y hacer lo mejor de lo que podría parecer
Ve kötü koşulları en iyi şekilde
Claro que puedes pensar que estoy loco, pero...
Of course you might think I'm crazy to say that, but...
pienso bajo todas esas cosas, white fleece, he might be capable.
Sanırım yumuşak temiz yüzüne rağmen, bu işi yapabilir.
"Aunque parezca tonto, voy a pedirte..." "que me lo repitas una vez y otra vez".
It might seem silly but I'm going to ask you to say it again and again and again.
Si hubiera sabido que volar a través del cuarto dolía tanto habría intentado una aproximación diferente.
If I'd known I was going to get thrown across the room that hard, I might have tried a different approach.
Might have stalked you
Might have stalked you
Haz de hacer lo que sabes hacer bien. Por suerte éramos incapaces de escribir canciones si no, no habríamos hecho otras cosas interesantes.
You have to watch your strengths, and it was a very good thing that we could not write singles, we might not have done some of the very interesting work that we did.
Lo mismo da que te compres un coche ochentoso.
You might as well go and buy a TransAm.
Might just kill you
* Sebep olabilir vefatınıza *
# # Y todos los puentes que pudimos haber cruzado arden # #
# And all the bridges are burning ( Ve yanıyor karşılaşacağımızı beklediğim ) # # That we might have crossed ( Bütün köprüler ) #
But if they had, I might have killed him.
Ama bulsalardı onu öldürebilirdim.
No lo se, creo que voy a estudiarlo
I just might like to study at your feet, Shane.
* Might just kill you
~ Sebep olabilir vefatınıza ~
Si vamos a caer... es mejor que lo hagamos con clase.
If we're gonna go down, might as well go down swinging.
You might need to give him a little nudge. Sí, bueno, ya sabes por lo que está pasando...
Yine de onu teşvik edecek bir adım atabilirsin.
* Porque la verdad de la que podrías estar corriendo... *
*'Cause the truth you might be runnin'from... *
Puede que haya pasado mucho tiempo
"It might have been a long time"
Puede que quede muy lejos... cuando despertábamos...
"It might have been so far away" "That we were waking..."
- Otis Hinker cree que las derribaron.
- Otis Hinker thinks they might be down.
Pero quizás aprendas a apreciarlas si les das una oportunidad.
But you might just learn to like it if you give it a try.
Y por favor, no duden en llamarme o mandarme un correo electrónico.
... any question you might have. Ve lütfen beni aramaktan veya bana direkt mail atmaktan çekinmeyin.
Kentucky no saboteó "Betty's Bees" con mucho poder ( might ).
Kentucky, Betty's Bees'i büyük bir güçle. sabote etmedi.
Şimdi de geçmişten bir patlama, The Cars'tan "You Might Think". Tebrikler.
De modo que ahora, en vivo y con peligro Mr. Might Ass en persona
Ve, şimdi, canlı ve tehlikeli Mr. Midas'ın kendisi fenomenden de ötesi komedinin kralı Ricky Gervais!

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