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Translate.vc / Spanish → Turkish / Nervous

Nervous translate Turkish

6 parallel translation
"... disturbios digestivos y en el sistema nervioso... "
" digestive and nervous system disturbances...
No quiero ponerte nerviosa, pero...
I don't mean to make you nervous, but seni sinirlendirmek için söylemiyorum ama
* Here comes your 19th nervous breakdown. *
* Here comes your 19th nervous breakdown. *
Ahí está. # pylons bust right outside # # but all I hear is you # # nervous walks in a park #
Gerçekten. Annem nereye gidiyor?
♫ Tengo un ataque de nervio es una embolia ♫
¶ Have my nervous breakdown It's my mental shakedown ¶
¿ Nervioso?

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