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Translate.vc / Spanish → Turkish / Right

Right translate Turkish

899 parallel translation
Te tengo allí donde quiero, comiendo de la palma de mi mano.
# I've got you right where I wanted you # # Dangling on my line #
Tú me tenías allí donde querías.
# You had me right where you wanted me #
Puedes apostar tu aleta trasera a que te tengo allí donde yo quiera comiendo de mi mano.
# That I've got you right where I wanted you # # Dangling on my line #
Aunque podría equivocarme.
Sen haklı çıktın. You happen to be right.
De acuerdo.
Tamam mı? - Right.
Llevaré a la señorita Wright, tengo espacio para uno más.
Bayan Right'ı evine bırakacağım, Bir kişilik yer daha var.
Fuimos a bailar a una discoteca de la orilla derecha.
Right Bank'teki bir kulübe dans etmeye gitmiştik.
Dios, no he tocado en... - ¿ Conoces "Just Right For Me"?
Aslında bunu daha önce- "Hepsi Senin İçin" i biliyor musun?
¿ Srta. Wright?
Bayan Right?
Pagarás, de acuerdo.
You'll pay, all right.
Además, su hermano dijo que no necesitaba mis servicios ahora mismo.
Besides, your brother said he didn't have any need for me any more right now.
Esto no me pareció complicado fue suave.
Yes. Because to me it just didn't seem right. It went too smoothly.
El gringo esta durmiendo, imagino.
The gringo is asleep, I imagine. That's all right.
Vas a perder a esa chica. Si no la tratas bien, amigo mío, vas a darte cuenta que se ha ido.
You're going to lose that girl, yes yes, you're going to lose that girl lf you don't treat her right my friend
Debe hacer lo que yo creo es correcto.
She ought to think twice, she ought to do right by me
Debe hacer lo que yo creo es correcto. Creo que voy a estar triste. Y creo que es hoy, si.
She ought to think twice, she ought to do right by me l think l'm gonna be sad l think it's today, yeh
Hay uno ahí atrás, pero no es el bueno.
There's one on the back, but it's not the right one.
¡ A la derecha!
To the right!
Muy bien, habla!
All right, talk!
Right. Tamam.
Right? ¿ Quién se la dio?
O halde, şifreyi kim vermişti ona?
¡ Bien! Pero lo que hacemos con el viejo Bambú a todos alegra
# # Right, but what we do with an old bamboo makes everybody cheer
Te dicen lo que son Desde el principio
# # Tell you what they are right from the start
No, señor Edison tardó años en ver la luz
- # # Edison took years to see the light - # # Right
Muy bien.
That's right.
♪ Is all right for a while ♪
# Olsun, şimdilik sorun yok
♪ Didn't I do it right the first time ♪
# İlk başta doğru yapmadım mı
- De acuerdo.
- Right.
¡ De acuerdo!
De acuerdo.
"Right behind you, I see the millions."
"Right behind you, I see the millions."
" Change my life, make it right.
" Change my life, make it right.
- Sí.
- Right.
Pero me irá bien en los Tiempos de la Frontera...
# But I'll do all right in the Frontier Days
Está bien, no hay moros en la costa.
All right, ortalık temiz.
All right.
# Oh, we must be doin'somethin'right
* Doğru bir şeyler yapıyor olmalıyız *
# But we must be doin'somethin'right
* Doğru bir şeyler yapıyor olmalıyız *
# We must be doin'somethin'right
* Doğru bir şeyler yapıyor olmalıyız *
# But we must be doin'somethin'right
* Doğru bir şeyler yapmış olmalıyız *
# Must be doin'somethin'right to last # 200...
* Doğru bir şeyler yapmış olmalıyız, dayandığımıza göre * * 200... *
# Jesus said it's gonna be all # Right
* Her şey düzelecek dedi İsa *
# It slips right through your fingers
* Parmaklarının arasından akar gider *
# Treat you right
* Düzgün davranmak sana *
Çeviri :
Es cierto.
That's right.
Encuéntrenlo ahora mismo.
Get him back right now!
Porque yo la trataré bien y entonces tu serás el que estará solo.
You're going to find her gone, you're going to find her gone Cause l will treat her right and then You'll be the lonely one, you're not the only one
- Muy bien.
- Right!
"I'll sit you right down, knock you off your feet."
"I'll sit you right down, knock you off your feet." "Whoa, baby, I've got a craving."

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