/ French → English / Anymore
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On ne parle plus vraiment.
I guess we don't really talk at all anymore.
Je ne peux pas la virer de ma vie, donc fais avec.
And... and I'm not gonna shut her out of my life anymore, so... deal with it.
Son fils ne va même plus à Anchor Beach.
His son doesn't even go to Anchor Beach anymore.
Ils ne fonctionnent plus.
They don't work anymore.
Je ne sais plus qui je suis censée être.
I don't know who I'm supposed to be anymore.
Je sais qu'être mon garde du corps n'est plus ton boulot.
I know that being my body man isn't your job anymore.
Enlevez-moi ces menottes, et je ne serai plus une détenue.
So take me out of these cuffs, and I won't be a prisoner anymore.
Appelez-moi Oliver, je ne suis plus votre patron.
It's Oliver, and I'm not your boss anymore.
Je ne sais plus ce qui peut être attendu.
I don't know what's obvious anymore.
Je n'ai plus l'impression de jouer.
I don't feel like playing anymore.
Je ne veux plus faire ça.
I don't want to do this anymore.
Je ne veux plus faire ça désormais.
I don't want to do this anymore.
On dirait bien qu'on n'est plus en Russie.
Looks like we're not in Russia anymore.
Je ne veux plus continuer.
I don't want to do this anymore.
Tu ne tires plus mes ficelles, Adrian.
You're not pulling my strings anymore, Adrian.
Elle ne volera plus, papa.
She won't take Daddy away anymore.
Je ne sais plus qui est impliqué dans quoi.
I don't know who's involved with what anymore.
Ne pensons plus à ça ce soir.
Let's not think about that stuff anymore tonight.
Il pourrait ne même plus être dans la ville.
So he might not even be in the city anymore.
Non, plus maintenant.
No. Not anymore.
Le capitaine ne te veut plus dans le coin.
Captain doesn't want you around anymore.
Il ne peut plus vous faire de mal.
- What? He can't control you anymore.
Vous ne lui devez plus rien.
You don't have to answer to him anymore.
Car alors ce ne sera plus un secret.
Because then it won't be a secret anymore.
Si Éros ne tourne plus, comment puis-je sentir la gravité?
If Eros isn't spinning anymore, then how can I still have gravity?
qu'il n'apparait plus au radar.
It's just not reflecting radar anymore.
C'est trop dangereux de laisser notre échantillon dehors.
It's too dangerous to leave our sample out there anymore.
Déimos n'est plus une lune.
Deimos ain't a moon anymore.
Je ne fais plus ce genre de trucs.
Well, I don't do that kind of thing anymore.
Je ne contrôlais rien, je n'y voyais plus. Je ne sentais plus rien.
I felt completely out of control, like I couldn't see anymore, or I couldn't feel anymore.
J'étais venue te parler en toute franchise. Je ne peux plus continuer à faire ça.
I actually came here to have an honest conversation with you, to tell you that I can't do this anymore.
Je n'ai plus envie d'elle.
I wouldn't even know how to want her anymore.
Je... Voilà. Je ne sais plus qui est le vrai moi.
I... yeah, don't know who's in control anymore.
Tu n'as plus à être jalouse.
Oh, and you don't have to be jealous anymore.
Je ne vais plus te laisser t'en tirer aussi facilement.
Well, maybe I'm not gonna let you off the hook so easily anymore.
Je ne contrôlais rien, je n'y voyais plus, je ne sentais plus rien. Je n'avais plus que moi-même.
I felt completely out of control, like I couldn't see anymore, couldn't feel anymore, and all I had was myself.
Les guerres d'hier n'importent plus.
Yesterday's wars don't matter anymore.
Alors je ne peux plus discuter tes décisions?
So I can't question your decisions anymore?
- C'est fini.
- Not anymore.
On doit prendre soin de vos chairs qui ne peuvent plus se régénérer.
We need to tend to your flesh as best we can as it can't tend to itself anymore.
Mais ça ne marche plus de nos jours.
It simply doesn't work anymore.
Je n'ai plus peur de rien.
I'm not scared of anything anymore.
Ton coeur bat plus pour cette vie.
Your heart's not beating for this life anymore, dead wife.
C'est plus ton mec.
He ain't your man anymore.
Plus personne ne me fait de sacrifices.
They don't care enough to sacrifice anymore. - Not to me.
Elle est dans le froid, mais... elle ne le sent pas.
She's out in the cold, but... she doesn't feel it anymore.
Faut y aller! - Sans lui.
We're near enough, we don't need him anymore.
Plus personne ne meurt dans Gotham désormais?
Doesn't anyone die in Gotham anymore?
Plus maintenant.
Not anymore.
C'est bien plus que le culte.
It's not just the cult anymore.
Car j'apprécierais qu'on ne se menace plus de mort l'un et l'autre.
'Cause I'm really liking us not threatening to kill each other anymore.