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Candice translate English

403 parallel translation
Candice, mon épouse!
This is my lovely wife, Candice.
Tulip, j'ai quelque chose à te dire.
There is something you have got to know. - Candice, lay off.
C'est gentil de venir me dire ça, mais il n'y a pas de quoi s'affoler!
Candice, I think it's awful sweet of you to want to bring me this news... but I just don't see anything to get that excited about.
Es-tu imprégnée? Ta gueule, toi!
Are you impregnated - Damn you, Candice.
Ecrase, Candice, ça ne te regarde pas!
Will you just butt out. This doesn't concern you.
Fous-moi la paix, j'en ai jusque-là de toi!
- Lay off of me, Candice! - I have had it with you today!
La ferme!
Can it, Candice!
Un seul mot et je te tue!
- One word, Candice, and it's your ass!
Vous la laissez bien voir Candice le week-end!
You let her see Candice on the weekends, don't you?
Candice vous a dit ça?
Did Candice tell you that?
Elle refuse d'en parler.
Candice won't talk about it.
Lui enlever Candice à ce stade risque de faire plonger Nola.
To take Candice away from her at this stage... could send Nola over into the deep end.
S'il ne tenait qu'à Nola, je ne verrais jamais Candice.
I know if it were up to Nola, I'd never see Candice.
Candice n'a que cinq ans.
Juliana, Candice is only five.
Oui, Candice?
Yes, Candice?
- Vous devez être le père de Candice.
- You must be Candice's father.
Ils ont tué Ruth Mayer et ramené Candice ici.
They killed Ruth Mayer, and then they brought Candice back here.
- Je veux Candice.
- I want Candice back.
Je tuerais Candice plutôt que de te laisser me la prendre.
I'd kill Candice before I let you take her away from me.
Je la tuerais plutôt que de te laisser la prendre!
I'd kill Candice before I let you take her!
Tu veux qu'ils tuent Candice.
You want them to kill Candice.
Je t'ai un peu menti au sujet de ce déménagement, Candice.
I didn't exactly tell you the truth about my relocating, Candice.
- Candice et moi allons partir.
- Candice and I won't.
- Dormez bien, Candice.
- Have a nice night.
Candice, arrête de l'aider.
Candice, quit helping.
Exactement ce que je pense pour toi, Candice.
My very thought about you, Candice.
Candice Rogers, Dick Brady, Darien Taylor.
Candice Rogers, Dick Brady. Darien Taylor.
Candice est assourdie.
- Candace said the music is too loud.
Ma femme, Candice.
- My wife Candace. - Hi, Pete.
Tu ne le quittes plus d'une semelle, Candice.
Just stay on his tail, Candace.
- Avec Candice Bergen.
- With Candice Bergen. - I know.
- Candice Bergen, s'il vous plaît.
- Yeah, Candice Bergen, please.
elle avait un chapeau.?
She had a hat. Well, you... you... you mean Candice? A hat?
Candice etait ici, hier.
Candice was here yesterday.
Candice, s'il y a quelque chose de beau dans ce trou de l'enfer de ville, j'adorerais le voir.
Candice, if there is anything beautiful... in this hellhole of a city... I would love to see it.
- Appelez-moi Candice.
- Call me Candice.
Candice, quand Jake se réveillera, dites-lui qu'il est renvoyé.
Candice, when Jake here comes around tell him he's fired.
Vous restez tard, Candice.
You're here late, Candice.
Allez, Candice, prenez son masque.
Go on, Candice, take his mask.
- Il a fallu que Candice arrive.
- You did fine until Candice came.
Connaissant Candice, c'est sûr.
If I know Candice, she's out there.
Mike, voici les Blaisedale.
Michael, Candice, I want you to meet the Blaisedales.
Le syndrome de Candice Bergen.
The Candice Bergen syndrome.
Désolé. Je dois récupérer Candice chez ma mère dans 2 heures.
- I've got to pick up Candice in a couple of hours.
Je m'appelle Candice.
I'm Candice.
- Les nichons de Candice Bergen.
- l loved Candice Bergen's tits, man.
Tu veux parler de Candice?
You mean, Candice?
un chapeau eh bien, vous - vous - vous voulez dire Candice? C'était Candice?
That was Candice?
Salut, Candice.
Damn, you guys look great. Thank you.

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