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Dickens translate English

577 parallel translation
Tu m'as tant manqué, Helen.
Say, I've missed you like the dickens, Helen.
Et qu'est ce que j'en sais.
How the dickens do I know?
The Man Who Reclaimed his Head, qu'il avait déjà joué au théâtre, et Le mystère d'Edwin Drood, inspiré du roman inachevé de Charles Dickens.
The Man Who Reclaimed his Head, which he had done earlier on the stage, and The Mystery of Edwin Drood, based on charles Dickens's unfinished novel.
Vous avez raison, mais comment diable le saviez-vous?
You're right, but how the dickens did you know?
Alors de quoi diable parle-t-on, je ne sais pas.
So what in the dickens we're talking about, I don't know.
Pourquoi t'es-tu donné tant de mal?
Now, what the dickens did you go to all this trouble for?
D'habitude, tu ne supportes pas ça.
You usually raise the dickens when I take my shoes off.
A quoi sont-elles adaptées?
I don't know what in the dickens they're useful on occasion.
Je suis nerveux comme une pucelle.
I'm as jumpy as the dickens.
Il vaudrait mieux que je la reprenne avant qu'elle ne s'installe.
Well I'd better remove her, before she ruins your set of Dickens.
Bon sang, c'est quoi votre problème?
What the dickens is the matter with you two fellas?
Oh, c ´ est trop compliqué!
Oh, what the dickens.
Par tous les saints!
Now, what the dickens?
Que se passe-t-il encore?
- Now, what the dickens?
Elles posent des diables de problèmes, pas vrai, Monsieur?
They're a dickens of a problem, aren't they, sir?
Qu'est-ce que ça peut te faire?
What the dickens is that to you?
Je vous aiderai.
I can spell like the dickens.
Bon sang, ils ont fait tout un bûcher à Cheyne Yard.
Crikey! But they got the dickens of a big bonfire over in Cheyne Yard.
Qui est-ce?
- That's a Dickens scene.
- Dickens.
- Oh, ickwick.
Longfellow. Charles Dickens...
Longfellow and Charles Dickens and Fenimore Kipling.
Qu'est-ce qui va pas? Rien.
- What the dickens is wrong with you?
- Ça va être le carnage. - Qui peut-on sacrifier?
- It'll be the dickens to pay stopping them.
Quelle quantité elle a bu?
How much do you suppose the little dickens...?
Dickens, Zola, Michelet.
Dickens, Zola, Michelet.
Samuel Davis, Dickens, Dunn.
Samuel Davis, Dickens, Dunn.
- Que faites-vous ici?
What the dickens are you doing here?
A l'affreux Colonel Hoffmann qui le rembarre? Ou à un prince charmant de père qui le mène au bal?
That nasty Colonel Hoffman giving him the dickens in his room or his prince of a beautiful father taking him to the ball?
On passera nos soirées ici, à chanter des cantiques et à lire.
And on evenings, we'll all sit here and sing hymns and read Mr. Dickens.
Charles Dickens, les fêtes foraines, les chiens, les enfants et les femmes.
Mais où diable dois-je les chercher.
How the dickens can I tell where to start, eh?
- C'est comme dans Dickens.
It's like something out of Dickens.
Ni Dickens, Oliver Twist.
Dickens didn't put Oliver Twist on the couch because he was hungry.
On aurait pu transférer George Dickens s'il ne s'était pas fait dévorer.
We could have transferred George Dickens if he hadn't got himself eaten that way.
Ils ont vraiment l'esprit de Noël, ces gens-là.
The sort of thoughtfulness that never would have occurred to Mr Dickens.
Storey est un spécialiste de Dickens.
Storey's an authority on Dickens.
Il est obsédé par Dickens.
He's obsessed with Dickens.
Dickens, mon cher.
Dickens, old man.
Rien de tel qu'un Noël à la Dickens.
Nothing like a Dickensian Christmas.
Pour chercher des originaux de Dickens.
Looking for first editions of Dickens.
Mais la collection de Storey sur Dickens est unique.
Still his collection of Dickensiana is unique.
Le thème est Dickens.
The theme is Dickens.
J'ai l'impression que je t'ai flanqué la frousse.
Well, I pretty near scared the dickens out of you.
Bien, je vais pouvoir rattraper mon retard avec Dickens.
well, gives me a chance to catch up on my Dickens.
" de Charles Dickens.
" by Charles Dickens...
À notre tour d'être snobs, Amy! Et au diable la Tante!
Then we'll all ride in fine carriages, dressed like Flo King snubbing Amy's friends and telling Aunt March to go to the dickens.
- Que diable...
Nous lisons Dickens.
Grandfather and I are reading Dickens.
Les oeuvres complètes de Dickens.
Charles Dickens!
- The Pickwick Papers, Charles Dickens.
J'ai lu un de ses livres :
- Oh, Charles Dickens. Once I read a book he wrote :

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