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Domenico translate English

122 parallel translation
Domenico, hein? Combien il a donné?
Domenico, Well, how much he give?
Maman Domenico, vous êtes plus grosse et plus belle chaque jour!
Mama Domanico... you're looking bigger and better every day.
Maintenant, ils ne pourront plus te muter?
Won't they transfer you again, Domenico?
- Adieu, Domenico.
- Goodbye, Domenico.
- Domenico!
- Domenico!
Umberto Domenico Ferrari.
Umberto Domenico Ferrari.
Domenico! C'est Combien ce boulon d'Alfa?
Dominic, what do you want for that?
Domenico Storti. Dimanche, où étais-tu?
So, Storti, where were you on Sunday?
Domenico Storti a dit qu'il était allé à la communion de sa nièce.
I heard Storti saying he was to the communion of his niece.
- Domenico.
Moi j'ai deux prénoms mais on m'appelle Domenico.
I have two names on my birth certificate, but everyone calls me Domenico.
Domenico te va bien comme nom.
Domenico suits you.
- Domenico.
La Cour acquitte Sapienza Vincenzo, Retti Domenico,
I hereby acquit Vincenzo Sapienza, Domenico Retti,
- Domenico Legasi.
- Domenico Legasi.
- Qu'est-ce qu'il fait Domenico Legasi?
- What does Domenico Legasi do?
C'est un bon travailleur mais il n'a pas de chance.
Domenico wouldn't go for it. He's a hard worker, but unlucky.
Domenico Legasi, viens ici.
Domenico Legasi, come here!
Domenico, ma femme.
Domenico, my wife.
Domenico Legasi, tu es heureux?
Domenico Legasi, are you happy?
Domenico Legasi, tu es là?
Domenico Legasi, you here, too?
Mais Domenico à honte.
But I embarrass Domenico.
Il vous plait vraiment ce Domenico?
You really care for this Domenico?
Domenico Legasi ne compte pas.
Domenico Legasi doesn't count, ever!
Notre confrère Domenico Vittroti est mort d'un infarctus, ce matin.
Our colleague, Mr. Domenico, died of a heart attack today.
Quant à moi, Pautasso Domenico, vous pouvez mettre une croix dessus.
Remember, the one that signed it with a cross, Pautasso Domenico... son of Pinot, you can say farewell to him.
Domenico, appelez la police.
Ribechi, call the police!
Il faut avertir Domenico.
We have to tell Don Domenico.
Va chercher Don Domenico et un médecin!
- Mamma mia! - Go tell Don Domenico and call a doctor.
Je n'ai pas la voiture.
How can I? Don Domenico has the car.
Et Don Domenico, le pauvre.
Poor girl! And Don Domenico, when he hears!
Don Domenico?
- Where's Don Domenico?
Apportez un café à Don Domenico.
Don Domenico doesn't look good to me. Bring him a coffee.
- I don't know. Domenico.
Domenico a été au pèlerinage à San Stefano...
Did you know Domenico spent a year at the Basilica of St. Stephen in the Round?
Domenico Soriano, veux-tu prendre pour épouse, Filumena Marturano, suivant le rite de notre sainte mère l'église?
Domenico Soriano... will you take Filumena Marturano, here present, for your lawful wedded wife... according to the rite of our Holy Roman Church?
Veux-tu prendre pour époux Domenico Soriano suivant le rite de notre sainte mère l'église?
And you, Filumena Marturano... will you take Domenico Soriano, here present, for your lawful wedded husband... according to the rite of our Holy Roman Church?
Don Domenico... Un infarctus!
Don Domenico is having a heart attack.
Ne dis rien à Don Domenico.
Don't say anything to Don Domenico about this. Not about the car, or anything else. Understood?
Et ce que leur donne Domenico sans le savoir.
What Domenico Soriano gives them.
Don Domenico ne veut pas...
And Don Domenico Soriano has no intention of marrying you.
On parlait comme ça, Don Domenico.
- We were just gossiping, Don Dummi'.
Ce "Don Domenico" ne me plaît pas.
I never liked "Don Dummi'."
Au revoir, Don Domenico.
- Good-bye, Don Dummi'.
Une chorale chante "Volare", de Domenico Modugno.
- It's an old Russian custom. Then I'd better get some practice!
Palumbo Domenico, 3000!
- Farullo Domenico, 3000.
- Domenico, avez-vous apporté du thé ou du café?
- Domenico, did you bring tea or coffee?
Domenico Soriano.
- I ’ m the landlord, Domenico Soriano.
Trois mille?
- Farullo Domenico, 3000! 3000?

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