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Translate.vc / French → English / Dêsolê

Dêsolê translate English

76 parallel translation
Dêsolê, patron.
- I'm sorry, boss. - All right.
I'm just...
- Dêsolê.
I'm sorry.
- Dêsolê.
- I'm sorry.
Dêsolê, mais vous disiez...
I'm sorry. But I thought you said...
Dêsolê, Nic, mais vous n'auriez pas dû lui dire ça.
I'm sorry I hit you, Nick but you shouldn't have said what you did to her.
- Dêsolê, l'ami.
- Sorry, buddy.
I'm sorry.
Dêsolê de vous contredire, mais pour moi, elle ne vaut rien.
I hate to be the odd man, but I wouldn't give a shilling for her.
Dêsolê, mais un champion ne se relève jamais.
Well, I hate to say it, but champions don't come back.
Dêsolê, je n'ai pas remarqué.
Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't notice.
- Dêsolê.
- Sorry.
Dêsolê de quoi?
Sorry? Sorry for what?
Dêsolê. Mais une culpabilité certaine.
I am sorry but an air of definite guilt.
Dêsolê que notre rencontre ait eu lieu en ces malheureuses circonstances.
I am sorry that our meeting should have taken place under such unhappy circumstances.
Dêsolê pour le désordre.
Sorry things are in a mess.
- Dêsolê, plus de question.
- Sorry, no more questions.
Dêsolê. Le circuit est en panne.
I'm sorry, the circuit is cut.
Dêsolê de t'avoir réveillée.
I'm sorry I woke you.
Dêsolê, mais il l'aura cherché.
Sorry, he deserved it.
Sorry, baby.
- Dêsolê. ... sans toi.
- We had to go ahead and eat.
Je suis désolé. Dêsolê.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Sorry about that.
I'm sorry about that.
Dêsolê, mais je ne crois pas qu'elle veuille voir qui que ce soit en ce moment.
Well, I'm sorry, I don't think she wants to see any visitors just now.
Dêsolê de vous revoir dans de telles circonstances.
I regret that we should meet again under these circumstances.
Dêsolê de vous avoir fait attendre.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Dêsolê d'être en retard.
Sorry I'm late.
- Dêsolê d'être en retard.
- My apologies for being late.
Dêsolê, O'Reily.
Sorry, O'Reily.
Dêsolê pour ton copain de baise.
Sorry about what happened to your little butt buddy.
Dêsolê de t'avoir dérangé.
Well, I'm sorry to disturb you.
Dêsolê pour ce qui s'est passé à la bibliothèque.
I'm sorry about what happened in the library.
- Dêsolê, Bob.
- l'm sorry, Bob.
- Dêsolê. - Et Fran?
- I'm sorry, but I am.
Dêsolê de ne pas être là.
I'm sorry I won't be here.
Oh. Sorry.
Dêsolê, Naomi.
Sorry, Naomi. I'm sorry. Nothing.
Dêsolê, il y a eu une fuite toxique.
Sorry, sir. There's been a toxic spill. You need to turn your vehicle around.
Dêsolê pour tout ça.
Sorry about how all this worked out.
Eteignez ça, s'il vous plaît. Dêsolê.
- Turn that off, please.
Dêsolê, je comprends.
I'm sorry. I understand.
Dêsolê d'avoir jugé la façon dont vous vivez.
I'm sorry I said those things about the way you live.
Dêsolê de vous avoir frappé.
I'm sorry about hitting you.
Dêsolê, votre ceinture semble défectueuse.
Sir, your seat belt seems to be broken.
- Dêsolê.
- Oh, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Miss Crawford.

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