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Fifty translate English

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Huit heures cinquante-six et six secondes.
Eight-fifty-six and six seconds.
De père en fils depuis plus de 50 ans.
Passed down from father to son, for more than fifty years.
C'était à 15 h 54, hier.
Three fifty-four p.m. yesterday.
- 50 $?
- Fifty?
57 %.
Fifty-seven hundred.
Mais toi... avant même de m'avoir donné 50 billets, tu m'as assigné comme chauffeur afin de rentabiliser l'investissement.
But you... Before I'd borrowed even fifty bucks, you had to go and make a chauffeur out of me to get your money's worth.
Deux cinquante.
boy speaking native language : Two-fifty.
Deux soles cinquante. C'est la boîte de ton père?
boy speaking native language : Two soles fifty. [man speaking native language] man speaking native language :
L'année dernière, 50000.
Last year, fifty thousand.
Je viens de tuer genre 50 stormtroppers
I just killed, like, fifty stormtroopers.
- Je vous en donne 1,50 $.
- I'll give you a buck fifty.
- Bon, facile 150.
- A hundred and fifty anyway.
Voilà ton burrito.
Here's your burrito. Six-fifty.
Une Église dans laquelle le souverain pontife, a procédé en une année, à cinquante-deux nominations, non par nécessité mais parce qu'il vendait ces postes soixante-deux mille ducats.
A church in which His Holiness created this year alone fifty-two new positions in the Curia, not because they were needed, but in order to sell them for 62,000 ducats apiece.
58 Mississippi, 57 Mississippi, 56 Mississippi, 54 Mississippi, 53 Mississippi... 38 Mississippi... 31 Mississippi, 32 Mississippi... 34 Mississippi, 35 Mississippi...
Fifty-eight Mississippi, 57 Mississippi, 56 Mississippi, 54 Mississippi, 53 Mississippi... 38 Mississippi... 31 Mississippi, 32 Mississippi... 34 Mississippi, 35 Mississippi...
C'est 150 $ le mois, je prendrais sur ton premier combat.
Hey, membership's one-fifty a month. It comes off your first fight fee.
Même si vous n'avez pas l'air d'avoir plus de 650 ans.
Though you don't look a decade over six-fifty.
40. 40 millions!
Forty million! Do I hear fifty?
J'ai entendu 50?
Fifty right there! Seventy-five!
Deux fois. 150 millions de dollars!
One hundred and fifty million dollars!
150 millions de dollars.
One hundred and fifty million dollars, one fifty right here.
155. 155 millions de dollars juste là.
One hundred and fifty five million dollars right here.
Elle a dit ça quarante fois.
She said that like fifty times.
50 dollars et la promesse que je ne reverrais pas son cul décharné.
I'll take fifty bucks and the promise that I never see her scrawny meddling ass again.
Évidemment, si j'étais toi, j'aurais séduit façon succube une cinquantaine de vendeurs. Je serais rentrée avec le premier jour.
Of course, if I was you I would have just succubus-ed the face off fifty shoe clerks and marched these babies right home.
50 denarii.
Fifty denarii.
50 denarii, pour un connard de casseur de pierres.
Fifty denarii, for a fucking stone hauler.
50 denarii!
Fifty denarii!
50 denarii, moins les 10 de la véritable valeur du Gaulois.
Fifty denarii, minus the ten of the Gaul's actual worth.
Tous nos produits et nos protéines viennent de moins de 75 km.
All of our produce and proteins come from within fifty miles of New York!
75 km?
Fifty miles?
J'ai vendu ma boîte pour 150 M $.
I — I sold my tech company for a hundred fifty million dollars.
Deux cent cinquante dollars pour outrage à la cour.
Two hundred and fifty dollars. You are in contempt, Mr. Morelli.
Oui, vous verrez où est mort Dexter Laine. 50 billets.
Sure, I can show you where Dexter Laine died. Fifty bucks.
- Une cinquantaine?
- Fifty, huh?
Deux cents cinquante dollars.
Two hundred and fifty dollars. Now.
650 000. - Chacun.
Six hundred and fifty thousand each.
7 sur... 56.
Seven and... fifty-six.
- Certes, mais... - Si vous déclinez ces 50 000 $...
Yeah, I guess... it just seems Look, if you're uncomfortable taking the fifty grand, I'll just...
Je vais... 50 000?
No no! Fifty grand? - Wow...
Il y a presque les 50 000 $!
Here's the... almost fifty thousand! Count it!
50 millions?
Fifty million? !
Et si j'avais vos 50 millions?
what if I get you the fifty million?
- 50.
Fifty thousand.
Mains sur la tête.
Another fifty meters.
Repérage de la zone d'alunissage.
Fifty-four LPD. Dropping off
Dont une moitié de champagne.
She's half his weight- - and fifty-percent of that is champagne.
- Fièvre des enchères.
Auction fever. A lady in the front, one hundred and fifty!
- La dame devant avec 150!
One hundred and fifty five.
One hundred and fifty five million dollars!

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