/ French → English / Genial
Genial translate English
47,463 parallel translation
Ça serait génial.
That would be amazing.
Je sais, c'est génial, hein?
Uh... I know. It's the best, right?
- Tu sais ce qui est si génial? - Non.
- You know what's so great?
Robby, t'es un mec génial, mais il ne se passera jamais rien entre nous.
Robby, you're a great guy, but nothing is ever gonna happen between us.
Génial, il est parti.
Great, he's gone.
C'est génial!
♪ What a happy sound ♪ This is amazing!
- Génial.
- Okay.
Je dois vous avouer, c'est génial de voir mon meilleur ami et ma copine se parler à nouveau.
I got to tell you, it is so nice to see my best bud and my main squeeze talking again.
C'est génial.
That's awesome.
Charles, c'est génial.
Charles, this is amazing.
C'est pas génial?
How cool is that?
J'ai un doctorat en astrophysique et je suis tout aussi génial que le blanc-bec propriétaire d'un magasin de BD!
I have a doctorate in astrophysics and I'm every bit as awesome as the pasty-faced owner of a comic book store!
C'est un truc vraiment génial.
It's a good thing.
- Génial.
Are you okay?
C'est génial.
- This is brilliant.
Ça va être génial.
This is gonna be fantastic.
C'était génial.
That was rad.
C'était génial.
That was awesome.
Mince! Ce truc est génial.
God, this thing is awesome.
C'est un implant génial, mais comme les médecins de Steve Austin, les miens fouillent la planète pour une technologie qui restaurerait la vue.
That's one awesome implant, but like Steve Austin's doctors, mine are scouring the planet for tech that can restore lost sight.
- C'est génial!
- These are sick!
- C'est génial.
- That's awesome.
Oh, awesome.
C'est génial.
And it looks sick.
C'est génial.
That's great.
- Wow. - That's awesome.
C'était génial.
Yeah, it was amazing.
Je pouvais remonter la couverture jusque sous mon menton et sur mes épaules, c'était génial.
I could pull the blanket up right under my chin and tuck it under my shoulders, and it felt so good. And I could...
Ça aurait été génial de s'échapper.
It would have been so fantastic to escape.
Tu étais génial.
You were great.
- C'est génial!
- That's great!
C'était génial.
That was awesome, man.
Tu ne survivras sans doute pas à vendredi, mais c'était génial.
Let him out. " I mean, you probably won't live past Friday, but it was awesome.
C'était génial!
- It dices!
Ça serait génial!
I wish!
That's argyle!
- Si, maman. C'est génial. - Oh non...
- No, no, Mom, it's... it's... it's great!
- Génial.
Whoa! Wicked.
C'était génial!
It's been grand!
Oui, Toby est vraiment génial.
Yeah, there's really no one like Toby.
Cet endroit est trop génial!
This place is beyond... It's beyond beyond!
C'était génial, Claire.
That was awesome, Claire.
C'est génial.
I mean, that's so awesome.
C'est génial!
It's genius!
- Génial!
Oh...! - Sweet!
C'est génial.
This is awesome.