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Godfrey translate English

579 parallel translation
Bon sang de bon sang!
Godfrey Daniel!
Godfrey Daniel!
Misère de misère!
Godfrey Daniel!
Tu n'as rien compris. Elsa est fiancée à Godfrey.
Elsa is engaged to the other brother, Godfrey.
Vous voulez sûrement être seuls pour parler de Godfrey...
You two children want to be alone, I know. You must tell Elsa all about Godfrey.
C'est Godfrey.
This is Godfrey.
Voici Godfrey, c'est un homme oublié.
He's a forgotten man!
Un homme oublié.
- His name is Godfrey.
Montez sur l'estrade, Godfrey.
Yes, get right up on the platform, Godfrey.
Je suis vraiment confuse.
Oh, Godfrey, I'm terribly sorry.
Godfrey est le nouveau majordome.
Godfrey's gonna be our butler.
J'espère que vous savez cirer les chaussures.
I hope, Godfrey, that you're very good at shining shoes.
- Bonsoir, Godfrey.
Good night, Godfrey.
- Mon nom est Godfrey.
- No, my name is Godfrey.
- Godfrey.
Godfrey, l'homme oublié.
I'm Godfrey, the forgotten man.
Où est Godfrey?
- What happened to Godfrey?
- Je t'ai entendue, avec Godfrey.
- I heard what you said to Godfrey. - So what?
Si papa l'apprend, tu crois que ça durera?
Suppose Father hears about this. How long do you think Godfrey will last?
S'il l'apprend, il apprendra aussi des choses sur toi et cet étudiant.
If Father hears about Godfrey, he's also going to hear about you and that college boy.
Si maman a Carlo comme protégé, je peux bien avoir Godfrey!
If Mother can sponsor Carlo, why can't I sponsor Godfrey?
Godfrey ne s'en vexera pas, mais personne ne veut se réveiller poignardé.
Godfrey knows I'm not being personal, but none of us would like to wake up some morning stabbed to death.
Ne t'interpose pas entre eux.
You mustn't come between Irene and Godfrey.
- Où est Godfrey?
- Where's Godfrey?
- Ne partez pas.
Don't go away, Godfrey.
Godfrey est là, chérie.
Godfrey's right here.
Voilà Godfrey, ma chérie.
- Here's Godfrey, darling. - Where?
Il a promis de rester, n'est-ce pas?
And he's promised to stay on. Haven't you, Godfrey?
- Comment saviez-vous? Je ne sais pas.
How did you know I want to see Godfrey?
Sauf peut-être Godfrey, qui sait tout.
Except, perhaps, Godfrey. He seems to know everything.
Vous les connaissez?
Do you know them, Godfrey?
Comment sont arrivés les vôtres?
What did your ancestors come over on, Godfrey?
Godfrey pourrait apprécier mais il faudrait qu'il se retourne.
Godfrey might be interested, if he'd only turn around and look.
Une minute, Godfrey.
- Oh, just a minute, Godfrey.
Enfin, Godfrey, vous êtes malade?
What's the matter with you, Godfrey? Are you ill?
Godfrey, un sandwich pour M. Gray.
Oh, Godfrey, bring Mr. Gray a sandwich.
Godfrey Park, vieille canaille!
Godfrey Parke, you old mug!
Vous connaissez Godfrey?
- Oh, do you know Godfrey?
Je n'ai pas eu à me plaindre de ses services.
No, I had very few complaints about Godfrey's work.
Godfrey est très mystérieux, on ne sait rien sur lui.
Godfrey's a very mysterious person. Nobody seems to know about him.
- Non, ne partez pas.
- No, no, don't go away, Godfrey.
Tout allait très bien quand... tout d'un coup, c'est arrivé. Comme ça.
But, you see, Godfrey had been working for us as a butler and whatnot, and things had been going along very well... when all of a sudden it happened... just like that.
M. Guthrie!
Mr. Guthrie, this is Godfrey.
- Bravo, Godfrey!
- Splendid, Godfrey.
Je suis Godfrey.
- I'm Godfrey.
- Bonjour Godfrey.
- Hello, Godfrey.
Venez, qu'Irène vous voie.
Godfrey, come over here so Irene can look at you.
Bonjour, Godfrey.
- Oh, hello, Godfrey.
- Godfrey est dans sa chambre.
You'll find Godfrey in his room.
- Ne partez pas, Godfrey.
- Don't go away, Godfrey.
Je ne voulais pas en parler... mais Godfrey était notre majordome et tout ça...
You see, I didn't want to say anything about this.

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