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Goin translate English

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Cam et moi retapons ensemble une maison qu'on va revendre, et ça se passe super bien.
Cam and I have been redoing a house together that we're gonna flip, and I have to say, it has been goin'great!
Qu'est ce qui se passe?
What's goin'on?
On va te le dire, compris.
We goin'tell ya. I got ya.
On va commencer maintenant.
- We gonna get goin'now. ♪ You ought ♪ ♪ to go see the Mardi Gras... ♪
On a toutes pris un mauvais tournant.
We are all just in here'cause we took a wrong turn goin'to church.
- Dis-leur que tu vas étudier.
Tell'em, tell'em you goin'to college.
♪ l'm goin'back to my girl ♪ ♪ goin'back to my girl ♪
♪ I'm going back to my girl ♪
♪ I said l'm goin'back to Miami ♪
♪ Going back to my girl ♪ ♪ I said, I'm going back to Miami ♪
♪ goin'back to my girl ♪ ♪ goin'back to my girl ♪
♪ Going back to my girl ♪
♪ Tu ne sais même plus où tu vas ♪
♪ you don't even know where you're goin'♪
♪ Goin à Kansas City
♪ Goin'to Kansas City
Je m'évanouis.
Alors, hé, nous allons à Kansas City?
So, hey, we goin'to Kansas City?
Laissez les s'en allé
Let's get'er goin'!
Qu'est ce qui se passe, mec?
What's goin'on, homes?
Où tu vas, Cruz?
Where you goin', Cruz?
Tout va très bien entre Marge et moi.
Marge and I are goin'great.
Il n'ira pas.
He's not goin'.
- Continue!
- Keep goin'!
- J'avance aussi vite que je peux!
I'm goin as fast as I can!
Que se passe-t-il?
What's goin'on?
♪ et maintenant je sais où je vais ♪
♪ and now I know just where I'm goin'♪
Je vais tomber.
I'm goin'over.
Ouais, tu vas monter!
Yeah, you're goin'up!
Si je m'embêtais à me déguiser comme une ado, ça serait pour sortir.
If I took the trouble to dress up like a teenage girl, I'm goin'out!
Chérie, où vas-tu?
Baby, where you goin'?
Bien, genre, défoncée?
Goin', like, baked?
On va dans ma couchette où le Livre d'Eli n'est jamais sorti.
We goin'to my bunk, where Book of Eli never happened.
- Destination la prison!
You goin'to jail!
♪ and did you hear the news that s goin'round?
♪ and did you hear the news that's goin'round?
Je vais chasser.
♪ and l'm goin'to heaven ♪
[Laughs ] I don't like when she's happy. [ Clears throat loudly]
Ça va, les gars?
Hey, guvs, what's goin'on?
On ira nulle part.
We ain't goin'nowhere.
Escaladant les escaliers du paradis, baby.
Goin'up the stairway to heaven, baby.
Allez on y va.
So let's get goin'.
Tu t'abaisses!
You're goin'down!
Où allons-nous?
Where are we goin'?
Je ne retournerai pas en prison!
I'm not goin'back to jail!
Tu m'as cru, hein?
I had you goin'for a minute, didn't I?
Où crois-tu aller?
Where do you think you're goin'?
Comment ça va, Mme Wheller?
Oh hey, how's it goin', Mrs. Wheeler?
Mais que se passe-t-il ici?
What the hell is goin'on?
♪ all right ♪ ♪ Goin'back to Miami ♪
♪ All right ♪
♪ goin'back to Miami ♪
♪ Going back to Miami ♪ ♪ Going back to Miami ♪
♪ goin'back to Miami ♪
♪ Going back to Miami ♪
♪ so l'm goin'back to Miami ♪
♪ So I'm going back to Miami ♪
On s'en va?
We goin'?
Je dois y aller.
I should get goin'.
Où il va?
Where's he goin'?
Oh, si.
Oh, we're goin'.

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