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Gregor translate English

437 parallel translation
- Et mon frère?
- And my brother? Gregor?
Il attend au château.
Gregor is at the castle.
Si Grégor n'avait été si insistant je ne serai jamais revenu.
If Gregor's letter hadn't been so insistent, I should never have returned.
Chaque fois que je regardais Grégor, il semblait attendre la mort.
Every time I looked at Gregor, my own brother, he seemed to expect me to kill him.
Et toi, Grégor?
But how are you, Gregor?
Pourquoi, Grégor?
Why do you do this, Gregor?
En venant, on a tiré sur ma voiture.
Gregor, on my way here today, I was shot at.
- Je te défendrai s'il le faut!
It's not worth talking about. But you must deny them, Gregor, or I will.
Aussi piètre attaquant que votre frère était brillant.
Your attack is as weak as your brother Gregor's was brilliant.
Nul ne connait mieux Grégor que moi-même.
No one knows Gregor any better than I do.
Vous ne me faites pas peur.
I'm not afraid of you, Gregor.
- Gregor.
C'est Grégor!
It's Gregor!
Je vais prendre une chambre chez Mme Mac Gregor.
If you run short of money, drop in.
Gregor exilé en Sibérie.
Gregor banished to Siberia.
C'était Mac Gregor?
- Was that MacGregor?
Il faut prévenir Mac Gregor.
- Certainly is. Yes. - We'd better call MacGregor.
Tu as extrait une balle japonaise et tu en as remis une de.45 à Mac Gregor.
It was a Japanese rifle bullet you removed from Berton's body but it was a.45 revolver bullet you handed MacGregor.
Je comprends la confusion quand le colonel Gregor à pensé que vous voulliez vous échapper.
I understand you were a little confused when Coronel Gregor found you. He had the peculiar impression that you were running away.
Oh, and Gregor
Gregor est en ville.
Gregor is in town.
Sa Majesté la reine de Transylvanie... et son Altesse Royale le prince Grégor.
Her Majesty, the Queen of Transylvania... and His Royal Highness Prince Gregor.
Fred Schmidt ( USA ) suivi de Gregor ( ALLEMAGNE ).
Fred Schmidt, USA. Gregor, Germany, in second.
" Gregor Samsa s'éveilla un matin...
" Gregor Samsa woke one morning...
- Comment va Grégor?
- And how's Gregor?
Grégor et moi avons hâte de vous voir.
No, of course not. Gregor and I will look forward to seeing you.
Il y avait aussi Old Gregor, et son fils, Young Gregor.
Of course, there was Old Gregor and his son, Young Gregor.
Le fils de Young Gregor était plus vieux qu'Old Gregor.
Oddly enough, Young Gregor's son was older than Old Gregor.
Docteur, monsieur Gregor...
Doctor, mr. Gregory.
- Gregor, tu es pitoyable.
Gregor, you are shameless.
Vends tous nos Mac-Gregor Aircraft.
Sell what we got in MacGregor Aircraft.
Ils parlent d'un docteur Gregor.
N-Now look, they constantly refer to a Dr. Christopher Gregor.
Allons-y. "C. G." Christopher Gregor.
Here we go. "CG." Christopher Gregor.
- Un numéro local, préfixe KL5. Un docteur Christopher Gregor.
Prefix KL5, a Dr. Christopher Gregor.
- On aimerait voir le docteur Gregor.
- Uh, yes, we would like to speak with Dr. Gregor?
- Excusez-moi, docteur Gregor.
Dr. Gregor, excuse me.
- Docteur Gregor va nous aider.
I mean, Dr. Gregor will help us.
Celui-là écrit des romans à suspense sous le nom de J.D. MacGregor.
Uh- - this little guy writes mysteries... under the name of J.D. Mac Gregor.
Apporte-nous à boire, Gregor!
Bring us something to drink, Gregor!
Prends-moi dans tes bras!
Gregor, hold me.
Appelle-moi Gregor!
Call me Gregor!
Plus de questions, Gregor.
No more questions, Gregor.
" Esclave de Madame von Dunayev, il s'appellera Gregor,
" As slave of Madam von Dunayev, he shall bear the name Gregor,
M. Gregor l'a poursuivi pour lui tirer dessus.
Mr. Gregor chased him into the street and shot him as he ran away.
Vous savez où est M. Gregor?
You know where Mr. Gregor is, doc?
Elle était destinée à votre frère.
That was meant for your brother, Gregor.
Ce Grégor est un monstre.
I don't mean to frighten you, Thea, but that Gregor is a monster.
- Docteur Gregor.
- Dr. Gregor.

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