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Avez-vous remarqué que votre protégée était décevante?
I suppose you noticed your protà © gà © was disappointing today.
GÃ © rant d'un fast food.
Manager of an express restaurant.
Ils deviendraient des gà © ants.
They would grow into giants.
Tu aimes le gà ¢ teau de riz, n'est-ce pas?
You like rice cake, don't you?
[GÃ © missements]
- [Clown Gà © missant ] - [ Garà § on Gà © missant]
- [Clown Groaning ] - [ Boy Groaning]
- [Criant ] - [ GÃ © missements]
- [Screaming ] - [ Whimpering]
- Mon gà ¢ teau!
- My cake!
Je ne supporte pas les gà ¢ teaux d'anniversaire!
I can't stand birthday cakes!
- Tu dois rester à l'extà © rieur. - [Gà © missements de chien]
- You gotta stay outside. - [Dog Whimpers]
- [GÃ © missements de chien]
- [Dog Whimpers]
Il existe aussi certainement que l'amour et la gà © nà © rosità © et le dà © vouement existent.
He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist.
- [Rire ] - [ GÃ © missements]
- [Laughing ] - [ Moaning]
- Psst, Buddy. - [GÃ © missements]
- Psst, Buddy. - [Whimpering]
- Buddy. - [GÃ © missements]
- Buddy. - [Whimpering]
- [GÃ © missant]
- [Groaning]
[GÃ © missant]
[GÃ © missant] Viens.
[Groaning] Come on.
C'est gà © nial!
That's great!
Je ne veux pas à © pouser ce, calmar riche et gà ¢ tà ©!
I don't want to marry some spoiled, rich, squid!
Je pensais que c'à © tait avec les gà © nies.
I thought that was genies
Vous... vous croyez aux gà © nies?
You you believe in genies?
Ce magasin est pour les personnes à ¢ gà © es!
This store is for old people!
Non, tu es ok, tu es gà © niale. Ce n'est pas grave.
No, you're great, you're great It's okay
On nous rapporte qu'une jeune fille serait pià © gà © e
A report just in of a young girl trapped
Il n'y a gà © nà © ralement pas d'homme avec une à © chelle quand vous en avez besoin.
There's not usually a man with a ladder around when you need him
Comme, il y a cet endroit vraiment, vraiment gà © nial au bout du rivage, les vagues sont petites... attends.
Like, there's this really, really awesome place right down the shore... okay, the waves are small
C'est vrai, en gà ¨ nà © ral.
Usually true.
ConcÏ... rrence gà ¨ nà ¨ re amà © lioration.
Competition breeds improvement.
L'accident d'avion a fait trop de dà © gà ts.
The crash just cut too damn deep, Don.
Tu gà ¢ ches tout parce que tu ne rà © flà © chis pas.
You are wasting all because you do not think.
Et je n'ai jamais pris à la là © gà ¨ re ce qui t'es arrivà ©.
And I never take lightly what happened to you.
Je sais que j'ai tout gà ¢ chà ©, je suis un con fini, et je sais que je ne mà © rite rien, mais laisse-moi m'expliquer.
I know I ruined everything, I'm an idiot finished and I know that I deserve nothing, but let me explain.
J'espà ¨ re qu'on n'a pas gà ¢ chà © votre soirà © e.
I hope it did not spoil your evening.
C'à © tait pas du gà ¢ teau.
It was no picnic.
GÃ © nial!
Un gà ¢ teau au chocolat exquis.
It's a delicious chocolate cake.
Tu gà ¢ ches les meilleures annà © es de ta vie.
You're ruining the best years of your life.
Tu es mon élève, mon successeur.
You're my protà © gà ©. You're like my offspring.
Je suis gênà © pour le dire, mais l'opium finance le mouvement
Embarrassed to say, but opium funds the movement.
Gà © nà © ral!
- Pardon? Ses protégées...
His protà © gà © sâ € They're usually young.
Pour commencer, j'avais mal gà © rà © mes priorità © s.
Well for starters, I had my priorities out of whack.
On peut boire des boissons allà © gà © es et manger 9 hot-dogs.
You drink all the liquid, or diet soda, but nine hot dogs.
En grande partie dans les aliments d'origine và © gà © tale.
They are predominantly found in plant foods.
Tous les và © gà © taux sont bà © nà © fiques et essentiels à notre santà ©.
All plant foods are beneficial and essential for human health.
- Tartes, gà ¢ teaux, burgers.
- Pie, cake, hamburgers.
Si vous n'êtes pas douà ©, vous ne causerez pas trop de dà © gà ¢ ts.
If you're not good on'em, you won't do much damage with that, will ya?
Il s'est battu pour rester và © gà © tarien toute sa vie et voilà qu'il va mourir d'un cancer.
I've watched him struggle with being a vegetarian his whole life and now he's dying of that cancer.
C'est gà © nial! Et vous en êtes oà ¹, Phil?
What day are we on Phil?
Je m'à © tais gà ¢ chà © la vie. Il faut que les choses changent.
It was my life, I almost ruined it, now I need to repair it.

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