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Kimberly translate English

660 parallel translation
Ses mines de diamants. L'argent des Indes L'or de Rand. Le fer-blanc de Malaisie.
Kimberly diamond mines, the silver of india, the gold of iran and the tin of malaya.
Faites-la partir á onze heures précises.
- Take it up at zero, Major Kimberly. - Okay.
Oui, M. Kimberley.
Yes, sir, Mr. Kimberly.
Mais j'ai vu pratiquement la même chose au bureau de M. Kimberley.
But as I said, I saw practically the same thing at the Kimberly office.
Comment Kimberley a-t-il pu avoir la même idée?
How could Kimberly come up with the same idea?
- Kimberley.
- Kimberly.
M. Kimberley, notre table est prête.
Mr. Kimberly, I believe our table's ready, sir.
- Tu ne lui fais pas confiance?
- You don't trust Kimberly?
Au Kimberly Park Hotel.
Yes, the Kimberly Park Hotel.
Appelez New York, le Kimberly Park Hotel.
Place a call to New York immediately. The Kimberly Park Hotel.
Kimberly Park Hotel.
Kimberly Park Hotel?
Studio B, c'est Kimberly.
Studio B, this is Kimberly.
Impossible, Kimberly.
Not a chance, Kimberly.
On passe à Kimberly Wells pour un reportage en direct.
Now we switch to Kimberly Wells for a live mini-cam report.
Très bon show, Kimberly.
Very nice show, Kimberly.
- A toi, Kimberly.
- Okay Kimberly, any time.
Ici Kimberly Wells. Je suis à la centrale nucléaire de Ventana.
I'm Kimberly Wells, and I'm here at the Ventana nuclear power plant.
On filme la réaction de Kimberly.
Let's get a reaction shot of Kimberly.
Kimberly Wells.
Kimberly Wells.
Kimberly travaille à plein temps. Hector et moi sommes indépendants.
Kimberly's full-time, but Hector and I are independent.
Kimberly, les agences ne mentionnent aucun accident.
Kimberly, there's nothing on the wire about an accident.
Kimberly, dépêche-toi.
Kimberly, you'd better hurry.
Dépêche-toi, Kimberly.
Hurry up, Kimberly.
Avec notre présentateur vedette Pete Martin, et Kimberly Wells avec California Close-up.
With award-winning anchorman Pete Martin, and Kimberly Wells with California Close-up.
- Bonjour, Kimberly.
- Good morning, Kimberly.
Kimberly vous a vu avec Gibson, leur RP.
Kimberly told me she saw you talking to their PR guy, Gibson.
Reporte ce dialogue, Kimberly.
Talk to him later, Kimberly.
Salut Kimberly, ici Buck Brewer, le pilote d'American Airlines.
Hi, Kimberly, it's Buck Brewer, the American Airlines pilot.
Bonne journée.
For Kimberly Wells and all of us, I'm Pete Martin, have a good day.
La plus belle vedette de télévision, Mlle Kimberly Wells!
The most beautiful TV personality, Miss Kimberly Wells!
Et voici Kimberly Wells, de Point Conception.
Now here's Kimberly Wells at Point Conception.
- Kimberly.
- Kimberly.
Kimberly Wells.
It's Kimberly Wells.
- Kimberly vient d'arriver.
- Kimberly just walked in.
C'était de justesse, Kimberly!
Cutting it a little close, Kimberly!
... et Kimberly Wells.
... and Kimberly Wells.
On passe à Kimberly Wells.
Now it's time for Kimberly Wells.
- C'est Kimberly.
- It's Kimberly.
Je veux parler à Kimberly.
I must talk to Kimberly.
- Kimberly est arrivée.
- Kimberly's here.
Kimberly, entrez quand vous entendrez le verrou.
Kimberly, when you hear the bolts, come in alone.
Kimberly est là-dedans?
Kimberly's in there?
- Test, ici Kimberly Wells.
- Testing, this is Kimberly Wells.
Ici Kimberly Wells.
This is Kimberly Wells.
Voilà Kimberly.
There's Kimberly.
Gros plan de Kimberly.
Wide on Kimberly.
Kimberly Wells en direct pour Channel 3.
This is Kimberly Wells, live at Channel 3.
Emily Kimberly, la nouvelle administratrice de l'hôpital.
I'm Emily Kimberly, the new hospital administrator.
Aidez-moi à la relever Mlle Kimberly.
Help me get her to her feet, Miss Kimberly.

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